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Aims To revisit reading assessment focuses

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Presentation on theme: "Aims To revisit reading assessment focuses"— Presentation transcript:

0 Session 3 Gathering Evidence for Reading APP
Resources for the session: Thumbnails Laminated AFs for reading For activity 1 - Laminated Reading AF Grid/cards Handout 1 – Inference and Deduction (in delegates packs Handout 2 - Reading AF answer sheet (to be give out after the activity) The Birds film clip Handout 3 – Gathering evidence in different contexts (in delegates packs) For activity 2 - Zones of Relevance laminated boards/cards Understanding Reading Comprehension Flier (one per school) APP film clip

1 Aims To revisit reading assessment focuses
To look at and evaluate ways of gathering evidence against the assessment focuses To reflect on own practice The focus for this session is: what constitutes good evidence for reading what does it look like where can you collect it from We will also be revisiting assessment focuses: what they are and the role they play in planning, questioning and assessing reading.

2 The Reading Curriculum includes;
shared reading guided reading regular independent reading - individual - group and paired home/school reading hearing books read aloud on a regular basis selecting their own choice of texts reading whole texts and on screen making close links between reading and writing reading in other subject areas reading in the community All of these are essential because they offer different opportunities to develop fluent, enthusiastic and critical readers. Independent Reading – easy text, 95%-100% accuracy. Guided Reading – instructional text, 90%-94% accuracy. Shared Reading – a hard text, %-89% accuracy Reminder for delegates Offers a variety of rich reading experiences as well as a range of evidence for APP

3 Reading Assessment Focuses
(number/s refers to the most relevant strand from the Renewed Framework/number in brackets refers to the strand having some relevance) AF1: Use a range of strategies, including accurate decoding of text, to read for meaning Strand: 5, 6, 7, (8) AF2: Understand, describe, select or retrieve information, events or ideas from texts and use quotation and reference to text Strand: 7, (8) AF3: Deduce, infer or interpret information, events or ideas from texts Strand: 7, 8 AF4: Identify and comment on the structure and organisation of texts, including grammatical and presentational features at text level AF5: Explain and comment on the writer’s use of language, including grammatical and literary features at word and sentence level AF6: Identify and comment on writers’ purposes and viewpoints and the overall effect of a text on the reader Strand: 8 AF7: Relate texts to their social, cultural and historical contexts and literary traditions Give out laminated AF Sheet Remind delegates about what they are:

4 Reading These focuses are based on the national curriculum level descriptions and cover areas for assessment, both in tests and teacher assessment. When judging pupils’ progress day to day, look for evidence of 1 or 2 relevant focuses The choice of focus varies with the type of text and the purpose of reading Assessment focuses (AFs) are based on the National Curriculum programmes of study and level descriptions. They cover the areas for assessment and provide the framework for National Curriculum tests. Using AFs for classroom-based assessment enables a direct link to be made to National Curriculum standards in a subject and the Primary Framework learning objectives. The AFs sit between the National Curriculum programmes of study and the level descriptions. They provide a more detailed assessment framework against which teachers can judge the outcomes of their teaching and their pupils' learning. They are tools for assessment, not learning objectives. Evidence for the AFs comes from all parts of the curriculum.

5 Match up the Assessment Focuses with the
Activity One Match up the Assessment Focuses with the descriptors and consider the keys skills that the AFs are trying to develop Give out Laminated A3 Reading AF Grid and cards The purpose of this activity to re-familiarise you with the Afs in preparation for the rest of the session Refer to Handout on Inference and Deduction (in delegates packs) - to clarify any misconceptions N.B we will not be discussing this sheet – it is only for clarity Give out the answer sheet when the activity is completed

6 Points to remember when using the reading AFs:
AFs are not hierarchical, age or ability related, and they define broad areas in which evidence can be examined in order to determine how well pupils are progressing Readers use a range of strategies to decode texts (AF1) which become more automatic with experience, as listening to pupils read throughout Key Stage 2 demonstrates Reading involves making meaning from content, structured and language (AFs 2 – 5)

7 To develop as readers who can make sense of a wide range of texts, pupils need to be secure on AF3. Securing AF3 is a vital underpinning for progress through level 4 and above. The AFs which highlight evaluation and analysis (AFs 4 – 7) build on the skills in AFs 1 – 3. In exploring a text, readers respond to specific aspects (AFs 4 – 5) and to the text as a whole (AF6) and consider how the text relates to their wider reading and experience (AF7).

8 Gathering evidence from reading on screen
Remind participants of the increased use of multimodal texts – so teachers will need to use this to gather evidence

9 What might this film short be about?
Discuss the possible story of this film. Who might the characters be? What might happen? Watch the film. Did it match predictions?

10 What might this bird be thinking? What might this bird be saying?
Look at this still and discuss - what might each bird be thinking/saying. Remember we do not always say what we think!

11 Does this story remind you of anything? Another story perhaps?
To develop AF7: Relate texts to their social, cultural and historical contexts and literary traditions We need to ask questions such as this.

12 Which of the reading Assessment Focuses could we gather evidence for by doing these activities?
Refer to HO of AFs on the tables. Afs are on next slide also. Discuss and take feedback.

13 Supporting judgements by looking critically at a range of evidence
Once a range of evidence has been gathered you will need to make decisions about which pieces of evidence are more relevant than others depending on the gaps in reading. This will involve teachers being clear about the quality of the evidence in terms of: What is being assessed? Thinking about the objective? How relevant it is the to the AF/s you are focusing on? Refer to Handout 3.3 – as a reminder types/context of evidence that can be collected

14 Objective – Year 3, Strand 7
Infer characters’ feelings in fiction and consequences in logical explanations AF3 Deduce, infer or interpret information, events or ideas from texts. The following activity will help us to focus on how we can support teachers in the process of deciding what constitutes good evidence For this activity we have decided on the above objective and AF3:

15 Be prepared to outline your decisions to the rest of the group.
Activity 2: Look at the individual pieces of evidence that the teacher has collected. Use the Zones of Relevance board to order the evidence (green = most relevant, red = least/not relevant). Consider: What is being assessed? Think about the objective. How relevant is the evidence to the AF 3? Now place the evidence in the appropriate colour zone Be prepared to outline your decisions to the rest of the group. Give out Zones of Relevance boards and cards Read slide to delegates

16 Zones of Relevance Board
Can describe when a character is feeling anxious or delighted. Can read silently and demonstrates perseverance. We are then using the Zones of Relevance board to rank the evidence in order of importance Now it is your turn with our evidence Can identify adverbs in the text.

17 Repeat the Zones of Relevance activity with your evidence.
Now take another look at your pupils’ evidence, focusing on their ‘barriers to reading’. Repeat the Zones of Relevance activity with your evidence. Consider the nature of the evidence – both range and quality Is there enough evidence to support a judgement in the chosen AFs? Has planned work enabled pupils to demonstrate what is being looked for? Now have a go with your evidence – in the light of the last activity (if there is time) Take feedback and any discussion points. Draw attention to the need for all adults in the classroom to be involved in the assessment process – if the teacher is leading a shared reading session – TA may be used to note responses. Reinforce to delegates that opportunities to gather evidence needs to be planned for. Link to good practice in Foundation stage – recording pupils responses (incidental/as well as planned) in a book, post it notes

18 DCSF Publications Ref: DFES 1311-2005
This publication is available for download from: Copies may be available from: DCSF Publications Tel: Fax: Textphone: Ref: DFES Useful resource to support planning, questioning and assessing reading Three fliers in the pack Reminder: There is a pack for each school

19 Ways of recording and observing evidence for reading and writing
APP Video Ways of recording and observing evidence for reading and writing National Strategies clip – showing teachers discussing how they gather evidence using the AFs Can be found on the site alongside the APP materials

20 Key Messages: A balanced Reading Curriculum is fundamental to gathering evidence through APP. There is a range of methods for gathering evidence. Questioning is one of the most useful for gathering evidence across the range of AFs. Evidence of skills must be collected from a range of contexts across the curriculum to ensure sound judgements. Guided Reading is part of the whole reading curriculum, but must be seen as the central tool in both teaching and assessing reading. Share the key messages and reinforce that further support for Guided Reading training is available through the mini networks.

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