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Do not give out personal or private information. By Anthony Leeds.

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Presentation on theme: "Do not give out personal or private information. By Anthony Leeds."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do not give out personal or private information. By Anthony Leeds

2 Different colors and pictures are essential to captivate the audience.

3 Make sure the font is legible and the size is not too big but not too small.

4 Make sure your e-mail address is appropriate.

5 Use the Weebly editor to add a poll to your site and follow the steps on PollDaddy to create it.

6 Create an account using After this, continue to use the editor to create your website.

7 Block people that start to give you a hard time.

8 Typing practice to enhance speed and accuracy.

9 The internet can be used for anything and everything, but it is often used to look at pictures of cats.

10 Use capitals, symbols such as @, and numbers to make your password harder to decipher.

11 Click on “File” hover over “Save As” and save it.

12 Click the Menu, hover over “Print” and click on it.

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