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Someone will do something

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1 Someone will do something
Español 3 The Future Tense Someone will do something Future Tense Jenny Glass

2 El Futuro: Someone will do something
Para mi vacación yo viajaré a España. Yo veré una corrida de toros y saborearé una tortilla española. For my vacation I will visit Spain. I will see a bull fight and taste a Spanish omelet. Future Tense

3 Now, click on the verb that you think represents the future tense.
Read the following paragraph about what I will do tomorrow. Mañana yo iré al supermercado. Yo comparé leche y pan. Después, yo volveré a mi casa. Now, click on the verb that you think represents the future tense. Future Tense

4 Por favor, trata otra vez.
Sigue Tratando The word you selected is a noun… a person, place, or thing. Por favor, trata otra vez. Future Tense

5 ¡Bien Hecho! These are the rules for the “yo” form
of the future tense: Future Tense = someone will do something Leave the verb in the infinitive form. Add “é” to the end of the infinitive. Future Tense

6 Choose the correct future tense verb.
Pruebita The following describes what I will do tomorrow after school. Choose the correct future tense verb. Yo _____ la televisión. miro miraré miré Future Tense

7 Sigue Tratando Yo miro la televisión. I watch television.
This verb is conjugated in the present tense. Furture tense “yo” form rule: infinitive + é Future Tense

8 Sigue Tratando Yo miré la televisión. I watched television.
This verb is conjugated in the preterite tense. Future tense “yo” form rule: infinitive + é Future Tense

9 This follows the future tense rules.
¡Bien Hecho! Yo miraré la televisión. I will watch television. This follows the future tense rules. infinitive + é Future Tense

10 Reglas 1. Leave the verb in the infinitive. hablar = hablar
The rest of future tense is conjugated according to the following rules: 1. Leave the verb in the infinitive. hablar = hablar comer = comer Future Tense

11 2. Add the appropriate endings to the infinitive.
Reglas 2. Add the appropriate endings to the infinitive. yo é nosotros emos ás vosotros eis Ud. á Uds. án él ellos ella ellas Future Tense

12 Ejemplos The following people will study at home.
Yo estudiaré en casa. Tú estudiarás en casa. Julio estudiará en casa. Juan y yo estudiaremos en casa. Tú y Ana estudiareis en casa. Eva y Felipe estudiarán en casa. Future Tense

13 Choose the correct future tense verb.
Pruebita The following describes what you will do tomorrow after school. Choose the correct future tense verb. Tú ________ con un compañero. (estudiar) estudias estudiaste estudiarás Future Tense

14 Sigue Tratando Tú estudiaste con un compañero.
You studied with a classmate. This verb is conjugated in the preterite tense. Future tense “tú” form rule: infinitive + ás Future Tense

15 Sigue Tratando Tú estudias con un compañero.
You study with a classmate. This verb is conjugated in the present tense. Furture tense “tú” form rule: infinitive + ás Future Tense

16 This follows the future tense rules.
¡Bien Hecho! Tú estudiarás con un compañero. You will study with a classmate. This follows the future tense rules. infinitive + ás Future Tense

17 Choose the correct future tense verb.
Pruebita The following describes what Julia will do tomorrow after school. Choose the correct future tense verb. Julia ________ al tenis. (jugar) jugará juega jugó Future Tense

18 Sigue Tratando Julia juega al tenis. Julia plays tennis.
This verb is conjugated in the present tense. Furture tense “ella” form rule: infinitive + á Future Tense

19 Sigue Tratando Julia jugó al tenis. Julia played tennis.
This verb is conjugated in the preterite tense. Future tense “ella” form rule: infinitive + á Future Tense

20 This follows the future tense rules.
¡Bien Hecho! Julia jugará al tenis. Julia will play tennis. This follows the future tense rules. infinitive + á Future Tense

21 The following describes what we will do tomorrow after school.
Pruebita The following describes what we will do tomorrow after school. Choose the correct future tense verb. Nosotros _________ cinco millas. (correr) corremos correremos corrimos Future Tense

22 Nosotros corrimos cinco millas.
Sigue Tratando Nosotros corrimos cinco millas. We ran five miles. This verb is conjugated in the preterite tense. Future tense “nosotros” form rule: infinitive + emos Future Tense

23 Nosotros corremos cinco millas.
Sigue Tratando Nosotros corremos cinco millas. We run five miles. This verb is conjugated in the present tense. Furture tense “nosotros” form rule: infinitive + emos Future Tense

24 This follows the future tense rules.
¡Bien Hecho! Nosotros correremos cinco millas. We will run five miles. This follows the future tense rules. infinitive + emos Future Tense

25 Choose the correct future tense verb.
Pruebita The following describes what we you and Benito will do tomorrow after school. Choose the correct future tense verb. Tú y Benito _________ una merienda. (comer) coméis comisteis comereis Future Tense

26 Sigue Tratando Tú y Benito coméis una merienda.
You and Benito eat a snack. This verb is conjugated in the present tense. Furture tense “vosotros” form rule: infinitive + eis Future Tense

27 Sigue Tratando Tú y Benito comisteis una merienda.
You and Benito ate a snack. This verb is conjugated in the preterite tense. Future tense “vosotros” form rule: infinitive + eis Future Tense

28 This follows the future tense rules.
¡Bien Hecho! Tú y Benito comereis una merienda. You and Benito will eat a snack. This follows the future tense rules. infinitive + eis Future Tense

29 Choose the correct future tense verb.
Pruebita The following describes what Eva and Marcos will do tomorrow after school. Choose the correct future tense verb. Eva y Marcos _________ con la banda. (practicar) practicarán practicaron practican Future Tense

30 Sigue Tratando Eva y Marcos practicaron con la banda.
Eva and Marcos practiced with the band. This verb is conjugated in the preterite tense. Future tense “ellos” form rule: infinitive + án Future Tense

31 Sigue Tratando Eva y Marcos practican con la banda.
Eva and Marcos practice with the band. This verb is conjugated in the present tense. Future tense “ellos” form rule: infinitive + án Future Tense

32 This follows the future tense rules.
¡Bien Hecho! Eva y Marcos practicaremos con la banda. Eva and Marcos will practice with the band. This follows the future tense rules. infinitive + án Future Tense

33 ¡Felicidades! You have successfully learned how to conjugate regular verbs in the future tense! Future Tense

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