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THE MATERIALS OF MUSIC: SOUND AND TIME. WHAT IS SOUND? The sensation perceived by the organ of hearing (ear) when vibrations (sound waves) reach the ear.

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Presentation on theme: "THE MATERIALS OF MUSIC: SOUND AND TIME. WHAT IS SOUND? The sensation perceived by the organ of hearing (ear) when vibrations (sound waves) reach the ear."— Presentation transcript:


2 WHAT IS SOUND? The sensation perceived by the organ of hearing (ear) when vibrations (sound waves) reach the ear

3 VIBRATION Periodic motion of a substance Instruments: strings, sounding boards, etc. AND the air inside and around the instrument vibrate

4 COMPRESSION AND RAREFACTION -Happens when you activate the sound source

5 FREQUENCY Refers to the number of compression-rarefaction cycles that occur per second Human range: 20 to 20,000 cycles per second Video

6 FOUR PROPERTIES OF SOUND Pitch – how high or low a sound is Intensity – how loud or soft a sound is Duration – how long or short a sound is Timbre – quality or color of a sound

7 PITCH The greater the number of sound waves, the higher the pitch TONE – a musical sound of definite pitch


9 DURATION (METER AND RHYTHM) METER = Regularly recurring pulses of equal duration (STEADY BEAT) FORMS MEASURES DUPLE = Two-beat TRIPLE = Three-beat RHYTHM = Patterns of uneven durations Can be almost any length

10 TIMBRE Permits us to distinguish between a clarinet and an oboe, for instance e_instrument_sounds/quiz.html e_instrument_sounds/quiz.html

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