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Who are Capstone Projects? A local charity run entirely by volunteers 100% of the money we raise goes directly to our projects Two or three teams travel.

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2 Who are Capstone Projects? A local charity run entirely by volunteers 100% of the money we raise goes directly to our projects Two or three teams travel to Uganda every year New team members every year


4 Uganda – Population 39m Kampala – Population 1.6m

5 Rural Uganda – 85% of Population

6 Lugazi


8 The Projects So Far... We believe that the local people should set the agenda and manage the projects. Our role is help finance, encourage and offer support. The long term aim is self sustainability. We have been involved in 6 projects to date, 4 are current: Capstone Children’s Centre Living water Medical Centre and Outreach Skills Training Centre (complete) Women’s Business Project (complete) Coffee Growing Project Winners Nursery and School

9 Capstone Children’s Centre

10 Opened in 2003 with 15 children Ages range from 4 to 18 Have had up to 48 children in the centre, currently we have 27 To date, 70 children have been resettled with local families 4 staff Capstone Children Centre

11 Developments: Hall for the children’s meals and entertainment New kitchen built Additional latrines and showers added Inner compound laid with concrete New rain water tank and drainage system Garden area, painted murals on walls Capstone Children Centre

12 Local Children

13 Capstone Children Centre


15 Commenced 2006 24-hour cover 381 inpatients and 3,283 outpatients treated this year to end October Free care offered to poor, widows and orphans, those who can pay do pay Dispensary offering wide range of medicines HIV clinic and counselling service commenced in 2014. 2,664 people tested this year to date, 85 positive (3%) 14 staff Living Water Medical Centre & Outreach Programme

16 Living Water Medical Centre - 2006

17 Living Water Medical Centre - 2012

18 Living Water Dispensary

19 This is a venture in partnership with the local hospital The outreach team work in six villages, a different village each week Up to 150 patients are seen per session Total patients seen to March 2015 – 29,978 Medical Outreach Programme

20 Medical Outreach This work continues to expand

21 Skills Training Centre Construction work began September 2007 Training commenced May 2008 20 – 25 attendees a year Trades include carpentry, welding, mechanics, tailoring, hairdressing Project now finished, buildings and site now being re-developed into Winners Nursery and School

22 Skills Training Centre

23 Woman’s Small Business Project Established with a £5,000 donation from a local Dundee businessman Manager appointed in 2010 212 loans approved in total Women used loans to start new micro businesses and to expand existing business The women had 12 months to repay their loan with the first two months as a repayment holiday Training and peer group support Project now finished

24 Women’s Small Business Project

25 Coffee Growing Project Rozelle Trust Donation of £35,000 paid for land purchase and first 2 years costs 25 acre site purchased, 15 acres developed Other smaller donations also received – build on site accommodation for employees 6,000 coffee plants in 15 acres Anticipating profitable return by Year 5 5 employees and casual labour as required

26 Coffee Growing Project


28 Winners Nursery and School Our newest project Re-use / refurbishment of Skill Centre land and buildings Two Nursery classrooms and admin office built and equipped late 2014 Two teachers, 1 assistant and 27 pupils aged 2 – 4 commenced in February 2015 By November 2015, 51 pupils enrolled Building of P1 classroom has commenced, will be ready for the February 2016 intake

29 Winners Nursery and School


31 The future…….? Primary School – underway............ New Children’s Family Centre – fundraising has started Ambulance and extension to Medical Centre ?





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