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Safety Some people know. But do they really understand.

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Presentation on theme: "Safety Some people know. But do they really understand."— Presentation transcript:

1 Safety Some people know. But do they really understand

2 I need a face shield??

3 A face shield? Well at least it is plastic At least the boss left him with a supply of them,

4 Head Protection (A hard hat)??

5 Yes I have welding protection (Econo- Welding Helmet)

6 It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt, and unfortunately, the latest case of exploding battery syndrome led to something far worse than a minor injury. Reportedly, a 22-year old Chinese welder actually perished after a cell phone battery residing in his pocket exploded. The eruption was so violent, in fact, that it "broke a rib and drove the remnants of the pack into his heart," and while rescue crews were able to get him to a hospital, he passed away shortly thereafter.

7 People may understand the principle of “SAFETY” but, do they know enough to take steps to protect them selves?? I wonder!!

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