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Morality in the Modern World

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1 Morality in the Modern World

2 IVF In vitro fertilization Often referred to a ‘test tube babies’
It doesn’t happen in a test tube IVF is a method of assisted reproduction Most often used for infertility and to screen for genetic disease It can also be used for animals but we will be discussing human IVF Egg is fertilised outside of the body in a lad the woman is given a course of injections to hyper stimulate the ovaries This will cause the ovaries to produce more eggs than normal The eggs are extracted and fertilised with the partner’s sperm Of the resulting embryos, usually 2 are implanted and the remaining are frozen

3 Advantages of IVF Allows infertile people to have children/family
Allows for genetic screening Allows couple with congenital conditions to have healthy children

4 Drawbacks of IVF IVF does not work all of the time
It has a fairly low success rate It places a lot of stress on couple, particularly the woman It is extremely expensive The number of attempt varies across the country and couples are usually restricted to 2 attempts After which they have to finance it themselves a high wastage of embryos Religious objections

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