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Air Pollution Hong Kong Self Running Presentation by Theodore Chan 8H.

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Presentation on theme: "Air Pollution Hong Kong Self Running Presentation by Theodore Chan 8H."— Presentation transcript:

1 Air Pollution Hong Kong Self Running Presentation by Theodore Chan 8H

2 Pollution is Worst than Ever The pollution in the Hong Kong’s Atmosphere is an increasingly big problem and should be solved now or never…This problem started 300 years ago all around the world when the industrial revolution started, Just in 1995 there were already 4518 complaints for air pollution related problems!!

3 What are the Pollutants The main sources of the Air Pollution are Industries, Power Generators, Construction Work, Road Traffic, Nitrogen-Oxide and Sulphur-Dioxide. These gases are either created from Hong Kong or from Guan Duong and Shen Zhen and they blow towards central when the prevailing South-West winds blow them into the bay of Central and over Hong Kong!

4 Health and Respiring Problems Although there are commercials and campaigns that are currently working to try and stop some of the pollution but not enough is being done. Around 1600 and increasing people die every year and 21.1 Billion dollars are lost in Hospital fees and lost productivity.

5 Industrial Sources Air Pollution from industries have decreased in the recent years because of new laws and requirements including cleaner and more pure fuels, product limits, product factor sources etc., This has helped but more needs to be done…

6 Construction and Road Works Sources Same as Industries, Some requirements for public outdoor construction is being done such as dust control, Paint odors etc., but more is needed if we want to clean our skies.

7 !!Cars Emissions!! Car emissions occupy one third of the air pollution in Hong Kong. Taxis and public transport is one of the main consumers of petrol and fuel etc, but in 2004 driving a diesel taxi became illegal and LPG taxis were introduced. This has helped quite a bit.

8 What is being done to Clean our Skies The government have launched campaigns and laws to help Hong Kong’s Skies. Greenpeace and private communities have also helped, new laws have been enforced such as having to switch the engine off when any car is parked.

9 Why we have to Clean our skies? If we don’t clean our skies by the next generation of Hong Kong, people will suffer. Which is our kids and our friends and if we don’t act soon it will be permanent. If we help the sky the can be like this everyday!

10 !What We Must do! It’s simple we can start from consuming, don’t buy too much and they won’t produce too much- Control shopaholics! Don’t drive if you don’t need to, throw away less and recycle all it takes is to throw paper, plastic and cans in different bins and that helps a lot! Every day we use loads of resources such as water, paper, electricity! Use less of these please!! We can do it slowly one by one and more people will follow and by the time you know it our sky will be cleaned!!!

11 Thanks for Watching my Presentation and remember to save our skies and our environment, I’m not recommending, this you have to help! Theodore Chan 8H

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