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MOVIE TRIVIA. This is a scene from what movie?

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2 This is a scene from what movie?


4 This movie was the debut for what popular actor?

5 Robert Duvall as Boo Radley

6 For what movie, did John Wayne receive an Oscar?


8 For what movie did Richard Dreyfus receive a best actor Oscar?


10 What actor starred in the first James Bond movies?

11 Sean Connery

12 In what musical did Clint Eastwood star?


14 What movie did Katherine Hepburn and Henry Fonda both receive an Academy Award?


16 Name one of the two movies for which Gary Cooper won Oscars.


18 Famous movie line— Wax on, wax off.


20 Famous movie line— ADRIAN!


22 What famous place did Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr plan to meet in “An Affair to Remember”?

23 The Empire State Building

24 At what famous landmark did Nicholas Cage find the treasure in National Treasure 2?

25 Mt. Rushmore

26 What real person did Walter Matthau portray in the movie “I. Q.” who actually won a Nobel Prize for Physics?

27 Albert Einstein

28 What movie was the first to use a curse word?

29 Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a _________.

30 In what year were all of the following films nominated for Best Picture? Dark Victory Gone With the Wind (winner) Goodbye, Mr. Chips Love Affair Mr. Smith Goes to Washington Nonotchka Of Mice and Men Stagecoach The Wizard of Oz Wuthering Heights

31 1939 The Greatest Year in Film History

32 Who said “Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera” and in what movie?

33 Yul Brynner

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