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Any soil type, except laterite, with good depth, good internal drainage, favorable soil moisture and good soil O.M. Air temp >15 - <32 o C. Annual r.f.

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Presentation on theme: "Any soil type, except laterite, with good depth, good internal drainage, favorable soil moisture and good soil O.M. Air temp >15 - <32 o C. Annual r.f."— Presentation transcript:



3 Any soil type, except laterite, with good depth, good internal drainage, favorable soil moisture and good soil O.M. Air temp >15 - <32 o C. Annual r.f 350-450mm

4  To improve soil physical properties; soil texture and structure 1. Optimize infiltration and reduce evaporation

5 To improve soil physical properties; soil texture and structure 2. Improve germination and root growth

6 soil texture and structure 3. Reduce erosion

7  In Malaysia, normally acidic soil  lime is necessary at the rate of 2.52 t/ha of Dolomite.  Liming is sufficient once after 4-5 yrs.

8 By hand Machine

9 Dept of planting 5 - 10 cm. Depend on soil type. Per ha needs 25-45 kg depending on initial seed quality.

10 Plant pop density is more important than row width. TypedistanceNo. of plant /ha Sweet61 x 31 cm53,778 Dent91 x 23 cm47,802 Flint91 x 23 cm47,802

11 Guideline based on expected yield. Field environment Plant pop. (‘000) Yield potential t/ha Dry area102 194 245 286 Irrigated458-10

12  The corn plant requires N and P soon after germination to initiate the growth of stems, leaves and ear structures.  Inadequate N availability during the first two to six weeks after planting can result in reduced yield potentials

13  However, the majority of N is needed during the period of maximum growth (month prior to tasseling and silking) Sidedress N fertilizer applications insure that N is available during this period of highest need

14 Rate Basal, before planting Nitrogen - urea or Ammonium sulfate 50-60 kg N/ha (112-147 kg urea) or 241-320 kg ammonium sulfate.



17 Rate Basal, before planting Phosphate - CIRP or TSP 65 kg P/ha (187 kg CIRP) or 147 kg TSP.

18 Rate Basal, before planting Potassium - MOP 65 kg P/ha (112 kg MOP)

19 Rate Side dressing, 21-30 days after planting Nitrogen - 50- 60 kg N/ha


21 Weeds Very critical during the first six to eight weeks after planting The term critical period is used to define how long weeds can be allowed to compete with the crop before yields are impacted.

22 Insects

23 Ostrinia sp. Borer esp. on stem. Symptom normally 6-7 wks after planting

24 Heliothis sp. Corn earworm.

25 Fungal Diseases 1. Karat (rust) daun, Puccinia spp

26 Diseases 2., Leaf blight (hawar), Helminthosporium maydis

27 Diseases 3. Smut, Ustilago mydis.

28 Bacteria Diseases 1. Bacterial wilt (layu daun bacteria), Erwinia stewartii

29 1. Typical corn plants develop 20 to 21 total leaves 2. silk about 65 days after emergence 3. mature around 125 days after emergence

30 As a guideline Sweet corn; 21 days after silking. Also known as ‘milk stage’. About 70 days after planting.

31 As a guideline grain corn; 115- 125 days after planting. Stalk and husks on ear are dry and turn brown.


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