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New Technologies Implementation in RENAM network Research and Educational Networking Association of Moldova TERENA Networking Conference 2005 “The World.

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2 New Technologies Implementation in RENAM network Research and Educational Networking Association of Moldova TERENA Networking Conference 2005 “The World of Pervasive Networking“ 6 – 9 June, 2005, Poznan, Poland Dr. Peter Bogatencov Dr. Grigore Secrieru Dr. Veaceslav Sidorenco Poznan, 2005

3 TNC 2005, June 6-9, 2005, Poznan2 Introduction  The process of edification of Global Networked Information Society opens large perspectives for Academic and Research activities:  integration of International and Nation-wide research and education resources  creation of modern distance learning and collaborative work media.  Information technologies and networking infrastructure are actively developed in scientific and educational spheres of Moldova.  RENAM: is an NGO National Research and Educational Network of Moldova

4 TNC 2005, June 6-9, 2005, Poznan3 Strategy aims of scientific-educational networking infrastructure development in Moldova  Creation and development of basic infrastructure (nodes and highways) of nation-wide scientific-educational network and providing a stable mutual access to national and foreign information resources;  Elaboration of new information resources and technologies in order to achieve a high level of investigations and close interaction with the European and the world scientific and educational community;  Development of communication media for new educational technologies deployment.

5 TNC 2005, June 6-9, 2005, Poznan4 Stages of scientific-educational networking segment development in Moldova (supported by NATO NIGs): Independent networking segments of Universities and Scientific Institutions of Moldova – before 1996 Moldnet project - 1996-1997 AMNET project - 1997-1999 RENAM network (Stage I) - started in 1999 RENAM network (Stage II) - started in 2000 RENAM – RoEduNet link - started in 2001 RENAM – Satellite link for Internet Access Improvement – started in 2003 RENAM – Wireless Backbone – started in 2004 Before RENAM After RENAM

6 TNC 2005, June 6-9, 2005, Poznan5 RENAM Network Development Programme:  Creation of own fiber optic media of transfer of the data for backbone development in Chisinau city;  Shifting of the basic highways of internodal links on new communication technology – STM 155 Mbps, optic Gbit Ethernet and 5GHz 22-54 Mbps wireless links;  Establishment of new high-speed communications with basic networks and Internet Service Providers of Moldova;  Implementation of new channels of access to peripheral nodes in territory of the country having capacity up to 2 Mbps and more;

7 TNC 2005, June 6-9, 2005, Poznan6 RENAM Network Development Programme (continuation):  Creation of experimental segments and gateways for introduction and deployment of IPv6 Internet technologies;  Elaboration and realization of new gateway interactions, including ground and satellite channels of external access to the Internet, gateways to scientific- educational networks of partners from Romania and Ukraine;  Expansion and transition to new technology of a gateway to access the Trans- European academic network GEANT (G2) through the scientific network of Romania – RoEduNet.

8 TNC 2005, June 6-9, 2005, Poznan7 RENAM network associated projects RENAM and institutions–members are participants of national and international research and development projects, which requires computers data-intensive applications. RENAM participate in a wide range of Projects and Programs: "Moldnet" network project Distance Education Projects, Soros Foundation in Moldova Scientific and University's Libraries Automation projects, Moldavian Library Consortium Information Systems Project, TEMPUS Projects in Moldavian Universities, UNESCO the Academy of Sciences informatization support project, UNESCO and EC DG XIII C STACCIS (Support for Telematics Applications Cooperation with the Commonwealth of Independent States) project EURASIA Foundation project “Academic Network Creation and modern electronic communications development" NATO project "AMNET - Development of the Science and Education Network in Moldova" NATO project "Networking Infrastructure development for Science and Education - RENAM network" NATO project "RENAM network stage - II" NATO project "RENAM-RoEduNet networks direct link and gateway construction" NATO project Providing Satellite Internet Access for RENAM network academic community

9 TNC 2005, June 6-9, 2005, Poznan8 RENAM: Research and Educational Networking Association of Moldova TUM ASM

10 TNC 2005, June 6-9, 2005, Poznan9 RENAM: External Capacity Dynamics

11 TNC 2005, June 6-9, 2005, Poznan10 RENAM–RoEduNet–GEANT connection

12 TNC 2005, June 6-9, 2005, Poznan11 Directions of RENAM external connections development Upgrading existing Radio-Relay facilities: –Up to 34Mbps using E3 interface of the available “Kurs” radio-relay equipment; Utilization of the “MoldTelecom” (national communication operator) fiber optics channel Chisinau-Iasi for obtaining 155-622Mbps bandwidth; Participation in the ISPs consortia for building “dark” fiber Chisinau-Iasi connection and realization direct RENAM-RoEduNet fiber connection; Participation in joint activities with partner NREN from Eastern Europe with the aim to create effective fiber connection of NIS R&D networks to GEANT (Porto-Optica study project, etc.); Participation in NATO Silk project utilizing two available satellite ground stations installed in RENAM network.

13 TNC 2005, June 6-9, 2005, Poznan12 RENAM Network General Scheme

14 TNC 2005, June 6-9, 2005, Poznan13 RENAM Wireless MAN

15 TNC 2005, June 6-9, 2005, Poznan14 RENAM: National-Wide WAN Backbone UB: University of Balti; UC: University of Cahul. Ucom: University of Comrat. COMRAT UCom

16 Research and Educational Networking Association of Moldova, Thank you very much for your attention! Questions ? TERENA Networking Conference 2005 “The World of Pervasive Networking“ 6 – 9 June, 2005, Poznan, Poland

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