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Presentation on theme: "OFFENDER REHABILITATION PATH 8 SEPTEMBER 2010 PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE 1."— Presentation transcript:


2 PURPOSE OF PRESENTATION To provide Portfolio Committee with overview of progress made regarding Rehabilitation and Reintegration Programmes in Department of Correctional Services 2

3 ESSENCE OF OFFENDER REHABILITATION PATH Process of what happens to offender from point of entry (admission) into correctional centre to point of reintegration into society (social reintegration) 3

4 Offender Rehabilitation Path Admission Assessment and Classificatio n Profiling CSP CMC approves CSP HCC Disapp rove Place ment CSPB CMC (Parole recom m) Interve ntion/ Servic es CMC 3/6/12 monthl y progre ss & Re- classif ication CRT (3/6/12 monthl y) Housi ng unit (Interv ention/ Servic es) Pre- admissi on Admissio n at Communi ty Correctio ns Re- assessm ent/ Alignme nt of existing correctio nal sentence plan Implementatio n of correctional sentence plan (continuation of existing CSP) Monitoring and evaluation REC (6 monthly progress & Re- classification) Release (Sentence expiry date)

5 ADMISSION All offenders orientated upon admission Re-integration official explore all possibilities w r t placement / release (fines, bail, etc) Total number of sentenced offenders admitted 2008/2009 – 61149 2009/2010 - 79004 Offenders serving 0 – 24 months 2008/2009 – 39448 2009/2010 - 49895 Offenders serving longer than 24 months (Correctional Service Amendment Act No. 25 of 2008) 2008/2009 – 20509 2009/2010 – 28164 5

6 ASSESSMENT / CLASSIFICATION / PROFILING Initially – Comprehensive Assessment Team (CAT) – Psychologists, Social Workers, Educators, Health Care Workers, Spiritual Care Workers, Social Reintegration Official, Security Official –Challenge – shortage of staff in these categories Re-strategise –Correctional Assessment Officials –Correctional Intervention Officials Reworked assessment tool –2007/08 : 12 Master Trainers trained on assessment, profiling, classification and correctional sentence plan –2007/08 – 2008/09 : 6170 officials trained in Unit Management –2008/09 :1250 members of Case Management Committee (CMC) Trained 6

7 CORRECTIONAL SENTENCE PLANS (CSP) CMC approves CSP CSPs compiled for following categories offenders serving sentences longer than 24 months in 2009/10: –25324 newly admitted offenders - approved CSPs –15900 offenders with parole consideration dates – approved CSPs –Estimated backlog of 53 614 without CSPs reduced with 11492 (21.4%) Following achievement recorded in first quarter of 2010/11: –4135 newly admitted offenders - approved CSPs –4416 offenders with parole consideration dates - approved CSPs –Backlog reduced by 3144 7

8 DELIVERY ON CORRECTIONAL SENTENCE PLANS 121 interim Correctional Interventions Officials (CIO) identified nationally to deliver Correctional Programmes CIOs not formally appointed or trained – lead to fragmented implementation of correctional programmes Selected interns trained as facilitators to present correctional programmes - pilot at Pretoria management area – launched 8 February 2010 The project is being evaluated with the intention to roll it out to other regions as well. Interns’ contract to expire (1 - August; 2 - Sept; 3 - March) 8

9 DELIVERY ON CORRECTIONAL SENTENCE PLANS 2009/2010 : 48,396 offenders out of an average of 114 000 offender population (42%) completed correctional programmes based on statistics for 5 programmes 2010/2011 : (first quarter) 15,650 offenders out of an average of 112 000 sentenced offender population (13%) (based on statistics for seven programmes presented by DCS officials as well as external service providers) 2010/11 – developing a correctional programme addressing economic crimes – theft related 2008/2009 : 168 784 attendances at spiritual care sessions – In 2009/2010 including 1st Quarter 2010/11 it was 231 324 9

10 DELIVERY ON CORRECTIONAL SENTENCE PLANS Social Work Services : 2008/2009 : 116115 sessions - sessions include individual and group work interventions 21089 attendances by special category offenders in existing Social Work programmes 1st Quarter 2010/11 : 5087 offenders involved in programmes provided by external service providers 2009/2010 – 102636 Social Work Sessions 1st Quarter 2010/11 : 28100 Social Work Services sessions 10

11 DELIVERY ON CORRECTIONAL SENTENCE PLANS Psychological Services 2007/08 - 28 psychologists - reached 13 034 sentenced offenders 2008/09 - 22 psychologists reached 9 073 sentenced offenders 2009/10 - 34 psychologists reached 9932 sentenced offenders 1st Quarter 2010/11 – 39 psychologists reached 1485 sentenced offenders 11

12 DELIVERY ON CORRECTIONAL SENTENCE PLANS Health Care Services : Twenty-eight (28) Pharmacists and Community Service Pharmacists allocated to Departmental Pharmacies – impact on Pharmaceutical Services which form part of Primary Health Care - resulted in utilization of private pharmacies as figures for Pharmacists decreased from 33 in 2009/10 to 28 in 2010/11 Seventy-five (75) correctional officials trained in Environmental Hygiene Supervision Various health care programmes (e.g. management of communicable and non- communicable diseases) implemented in 90% Management Areas 12

13 DELIVERY ON CORRECTIONAL SENTENCE PLANS HIV and AIDS : 2008/2009 Awareness sessions conducted-13 133 Offenders on ARV treatment-5 708 Offenders tested for HIV antibodies-40 167 Offenders tested positive-8 937 Due to HIV counseling and testing drives conducted number of offenders tested during 2009/10 increased Awareness sessions conducted-9 919 Offenders on ARV treatment-8 576 Offenders tested for HIV antibodies-45 887 Offenders tested positive-11 245 13

14 DELIVERY ON CORRECTIONAL SENTENCE PLANS HIV and AIDS 2010/2011 - 1st Quarter –Awareness sessions -2 836 –Offenders on ARV treatment -8576 –Offenders tested for HIV -13 355 –Offenders tested positive -1 969 Sport, Recreation, Arts & Culture (SRAC) –SRAC programmes in all correctional centres for leisure time utilization, sport, recreation arts & culture –2009/10 : 127293 attendance by offenders in sport and recreation programmes –144 538 attendance by offenders in sport and recreation programmes 1st quarter of 2010/11 (sentenced and unsentenced) 14

15 DELIVERY ON CORRECTIONAL SENTENCE PLANS Formal Education 2008/2009: 15 319 offenders participated 2009/2010: 22 173 offenders participated 2010/2011:21 612 offenders participated (First Quarter/ Adult Basic Education and Training (ABET) learners complete their course in June therefore, second intake of ABET learners in July and totals will reflect different at end of September 15

16 DELIVERY ON CORRECTIONAL SENTENCE PLANS Skills Development 2009/2010:45 891 participated 2010/2011 (1 st Quarter) :19 132 participated Skills Utilization YearProduction WorkshopsAgriculture Number of offenders utilized per day 2009/201017452905 2010/2011 (1 st Quarter) 17432909 Offender Work Opportunities 2009/2010Quarterly Ave : 35 599Total : 142 396 2010/2011 (First Quarter) 31 778 16

17 Offender Rehabilitation Path Admission Assessment and Classificatio n Profiling CSP CMC approves CSP HCC Disapp rove Place ment CSPB CMC (Parole recom m) Interve ntion/ Servic es CMC 3/6/12 monthl y progre ss & Re- classif ication CRT (3/6/12 monthl y) Housi ng unit (Interv ention/ Servic es) Pre- admissi on Admissio n at Communi ty Correctio ns Re- assessm ent/ Alignme nt of existing correctio nal sentence plan Implementatio n of correctional sentence plan (continuation of existing CSP) Monitoring and evaluation REC (6 monthly progress & Re- classification) Release (Sentence expiry date)

18 Offender 2. Admission at community corrections 3. Re-assessment/ Alignment of existing correctional sentence plan 4. Implementation of correctional sentence plan (continuation of existing CSP) 5. Monitoring and evaluation REC (6 monthly progress & Re- classification) 6. Release (Sentence expiry date) 1.Pre-admission - PLACEMENT OF THE OFFENDER ON CORRECTIONAL/PAROLE SUPERVISION FROM CORRECTIONAL CENTRE 18

19 19

20 NUMBER OF ADMISSIONS Types of Admission into Community Corrections 2007/082008/092009/10 276 (1) (h) – Correctional Supervision sentence 743178477872 276 (1) (i) – Sentence converted to C/Supervision 433447785482 287 (4) (a) – Fines less than 5 years 10503115249989 287 (4) (b) – Fines 5 years and longer 585642 Parolees301783369420583 20

21 ALIGNMENT OF THE CORRECTIONAL SENTENCE PLAN Admission Risk Classification Tool has been developed The purpose of this tool is to identify the risk of the offender at the time of admission; and To determine the level of supervision required Assessment tool has been developed The purpose of this tool is to identify the needs of the offender at the time of admission 21

22 CONTINUATION ON IMPLEMENTATION OF CORRECTIONAL SENTENCE PLAN Monitor adherence to conditions : Types of monitoring actions 2007/082008/092009/10 Physical visits at home 1 659 7241 724 8921 513 420 Visits at community service institutions 91 648112 231114 005 Community Service hours 1 501 7771 800 2561 505 133 Office consultations 509 507545 277511 928 22

23 MONITORING AND EVALUATION Case review conducted at least every six months - includes amongst others: Level of supervision Reports from external agencies Level of supervision 2007/082008/092009/10 Phase I17 94418 80621 213 Phase II16 43916 85117 153 Phase III9 98411 26512 017 Phase IV4 4675 5416 427 Phase V2 1202 9264 319 23

24 RELEASE Types of releases2007/082008/092009/10 Probationers198201946916 944 Parolees215982146420 165 24

25 WAY FORWARD Overcrowding in Correctional Centres to be further down managed Capacitating Case Management structures to be prioritised (Case Management Committee, Correctional Assessment Officials, Correctional Intervention Officials, Reintegration Assessment Teams, Reintegration Evaluation Committee) Structure and function alignment to be finalised Impact of implementation of the various shift systems on structured day programme/activities to be evaluated Optimal utilisation of resources, including facilities to render programmes Appropriate utilization of professional staff Intensive efforts to locate victims of crime for victim-offender mediation processes 25

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