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A poor surgeon hurts one person at a time. A poor teacher hurts 30. - Dr Ernest L Boyer In People,17 Mar.

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Presentation on theme: "A poor surgeon hurts one person at a time. A poor teacher hurts 30. - Dr Ernest L Boyer In People,17 Mar."— Presentation transcript:

1 A poor surgeon hurts one person at a time. A poor teacher hurts 30. - Dr Ernest L Boyer In People,17 Mar.

2 1. What is teaching pronunciation involve ? 2. What is the relationship between grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary ? 3. Why are Arab learners face many difficulties in pronunciation ? 4. What difference does the learner’s age make in learning pronunciation ? 5. How we can help our learners in solving their problems in pronunciation ? 6. How can we as English foreign language teachers teach stress and intonation? 7. What is the important of teaching intonation, rhythm, and stress ? 8. 9.

3 The “pronunciation” concept include (penny:46) Intonation Sounds Stress and rhythm

4  Sounds :or the phonemes of the language  Rhythm : refers to the repetition of either stress or syllable over equal periods of time to create musical impact.  the term "stress" is used in reference to :the degree of prominence of individual syllables of single words.  Intonation :the rise and falls in tone that make the tune of an utterance.or the variation of tone in speaking 

5 The structure grammar The phonology Pronunciation The lexis Vocabulary

6  The relationship between grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation is connected, interrelated between all these items,however we can find a language course based on pronunciation, vocabulary or grammar, but the most effective teaching learning result from a combination of them all.

7  The primary pronunciation difficulty facing EFL learners whose mother tongue is Arabic is the distinction between p and b. The b of course is not problem, but the p is quite a pest.(Mclaughlin:71)  In addition to consonant, another source of pronunciation difficulty in English. As with many language, is the vowel sounds. Consider the following example  Bitter, batter, butter, better (Mclaughlin:71)

8  To help your students to differentiate between the p and b, you ask them to hold a piece of paper front their mouth, and then let your student repeat an exercise which includes minimal pairs number of times until they become familiar with difference.  To solve their problems in vowels concentrate on teaching your students the individual sounds of the language by familiarizing our students with various sounds in English language by using the phonemic chart.(Mclaughlin:71)

9  In this chart there are 44different sounds in the English language this include vowels, consonants and diphthongs. It is a series of symbols set to denote the various sounds in the English language. Is perhaps used with students a t a grade five and higher.(Mclaughlin:75)

10 1. On small piece of paper, write the phonemic symbols you wish your students to practice (one symbol on each piece of paper ) 2. Write one word that contains the sound you are aiming to practice on one piece of pear. Repeat until you have a list of words for each sound. 3. Produce one set of these for the number of groups of students you will be working with. 4. Tell students that they must work together to place each piece of paper under the appropriate phoneme.

11  Children seem to pick up accents very quickly, and the ability to do seems to diminish with age, through this may be for psychological reasons.however, this diminished ability compensated for to some extent by adults’ increased ability to understand difficult explanation.,discipline themselves and apply conclusion might be that conscious pronunciation training is likely to be more helpful with classes of older learners.(penny 56)

12  Put your students into pairs and have them identify the stress patterns of the following questions and answer ?  Where did you go yesterday?  I was in Hebron yesterday. When were you in Hebron ? I was in Hebron yesterday. in each sentence, different information is being conveyed. 

13  Have students work in pairs to build short dialogues such as  Customer : do you have any fresh hummus ?  Shopkeeper : no, we do not, but we have canned hummus.  Customer : oh. No thanks. I prefer fresh

14  Simple Sound Maze  Target Language: To distinguish the long /u: / sound.  Level of the students: Elementary (Primary 5)  Game Type: A path-finding puzzle for students working individually.  Duration: 20 minutes

15  STATEMENT fall. A fall indicates finality or end of information  (Wh )questions (fall)  Yes or no questions (rise ).  Questions tags ask for real information rise.  Questions tags which ask for confirmation is fall.


17  McLaughlin, sky(2003).Strategies for Teaching English.AL-Qattan center for education research and development.  Ur,penny(1996).Course in language Teaching. the united Kingdom at the university press, Cambridge.

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