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EurOccupations EurOccupations expert research Judith de Ruijter – Arbeid Opleidingen Consult.

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Presentation on theme: "EurOccupations EurOccupations expert research Judith de Ruijter – Arbeid Opleidingen Consult."— Presentation transcript:

1 EurOccupations EurOccupations expert research Judith de Ruijter – Arbeid Opleidingen Consult

2 EurOccupations Project outline 1.Construction of extended list of appr. 1.400 occupations (EurOccupations database) 2.Expert research 3.Testing and research activities 4.Dissemination

3 EurOccupations Expert research Goal: gather detailed occupation information on 160 key occupations (e.g. occupational content, skill levels, requirements, competencies etc.)

4 EurOccupations Occupation versus job Occupation: group of jobs with similar sets of tasks, independent of their corporate context. Job: group of similar tasks that are contingent on the division of labour within a specific organisation, where the features of these bundled tasks are mainly determined by the corporate context of the organisation involved. A job indicates a bundle of tasks, but also the location of these tasks within an organisation.

5 EurOccupations Experts: Knowledge of the content of one or more occupations in one or more of our countries (or internationally) E.g., representatives of employers’ or employees’ organisations, professional organisations, interest groups, vocational training bodies or knowledge centers, supervisors, researchers, informants, etc.

6 EurOccupations Information 160 key occupations: For each country: Synonyms Required educational entry level Field of education Required on-the-job training Required mental and physical effort

7 EurOccupations Information 160 key occupations: For each country: Additional requirements (diploma, certification, professional code, protocol) Responsibility Core tasks (frequency and importance) Competencies (general competencies, EQF)

8 EurOccupations Steps in expert research: 1. Development of task descriptions (based on international desk research, following EurOccupations standardised procedures) – 2007 2. Expert Internet survey (occupation survey for 160 key occupations, education survey for 1.400 occupations) – continuing throughout 2008 3. International expert conference in Marseille - May 2008

9 EurOccupations Additional: Occupational worker survey  Gather additional occupation information  In order to obtain insight in differences between actual and required educational levels EurOccupations research team gathers additional information on e.g. relevant European level legislation, size of the occupation, relevant developments etc.

10 EurOccupations Information about the database 1.Website: 2.Newsletters, working papers, reports, presentations 3.Organisation workshops for users

11 EurOccupations How to register as an expert? VISIT WWW.EUROCCUPATIONS.ORG

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