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The Sky’s the limit Grade6 flight unit Make a chart like this on you paper, just half page long or less. Write in things you already know about flight.

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2 The Sky’s the limit Grade6 flight unit

3 Make a chart like this on you paper, just half page long or less. Write in things you already know about flight and then add some things you might like to know more about on the topic of flight. What I know: You’ve watched things fly but what do you know about the forces that enable them to stay up and move in the sky? What I want to know How do things that are heavier than air stay in the sky ? What keep a hot air balloon up ? Hellium?

4 forces Look on page 7 and answer this question. Why doesn’t gravity pull you down if you are lying in a hammock?

5 No lead in our zepplin m/watch?v=F54rqDh2m WA m/watch?v=F54rqDh2m WA Watch the above clip of the hindenburg tragedy. Page 11, how do blimps/zepplins stay afloat ?

6 Page 12 and 13 Why do we need to study about how objects move in water if we are studying the sky ??

7 Bernoulli ? Who was he ? http://scifiles.larc.nasa. gov/text/kids/Problem_ Board/problems/flight/l ift2.html http://scifiles.larc.nasa. gov/text/kids/Problem_ Board/problems/flight/l ift2.html What country is he from ? What did his theory say about flight ?

8 Look and list Glance through the student book. List some objects you think we might need in some of our labs this unit.

9 NASCAR How does this unit relate to Nascar ? What forces are mentioned ? m/watch?v=38WYsBSm zAA m/watch?v=38WYsBSm zAA

10 Check out the glossary Spend the rest of the class learning the terms in the glossary. Write the words and put pictures next them whenever you can. Example : Air pressure- Fuselage main body of the plane

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