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Grammar Lesson: Run-Ons. Warm-Up Questions ▪ What is a run-0n sentence? If you don’t know, write down what you think it means. ▪ What is a conjunction?

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Presentation on theme: "Grammar Lesson: Run-Ons. Warm-Up Questions ▪ What is a run-0n sentence? If you don’t know, write down what you think it means. ▪ What is a conjunction?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Grammar Lesson: Run-Ons

2 Warm-Up Questions ▪ What is a run-0n sentence? If you don’t know, write down what you think it means. ▪ What is a conjunction? Note: If you are unsure, break it up into parts (con/junct/ion) and answer the following: What does con mean as a prefix? What other words do you know that start with con? List them. Can you think of any words that have junct at the root? What do you think it means?

3 RUN-ONS ▪ Run-on sentences are sentences that have 2 complete thoughts (or independent clauses) that are smashed together. ▪ What do you think about when you think about something that is independent? ▪ Example 1: I slept three hours last night I was very tired in class. ▪ What is wrong with this sentence? ▪ Example 2: My family lost power yesterday, it was very cold in the house. ▪ What’s wrong with this sentence?

4 Pick out the Run-On Sentences: Which ones are run-ons? (Write the numbers on your white boards) 1.The cat followed me home, it looked hungry. 2.I wanted to go to the store today, but it was too icy outside. 3.Beowulf is the epic hero in the poem he won many battles. 4.It is going be to cold and windy today, but Friday is going to be nice. 5.I am excited to go to the Devils game on Friday it should be a good game. 6.I used to have pet ducks. 7.Today, we had a two hour delay.

5 4 Ways to Fix Run-On Sentences Fix Run On Sentence Conjunctions Semi-Colon Clause Fixes (fix one side) Period

6 Fixing Run-Ons with Conjunctions ▪ Conjunctions are connecting words. There are many examples, but the primary ones can be said by the acronym FANBOYS ▪ Conjunctions help link 2 parts of a sentence together F For A And N Nor B But O Or Y Yet S So


8 How Conjunctions Fix Run-Ons (, + conjunction) After My father smokes cigars, so everything in my house smells like cigars. Before My father smokes cigars everything in my house smells like cigars

9 How Conjunctions Fix Run-Ons (, + conjunction) After She hasn’t taken dance lessons, nor does she need to. Before She hasn’t taken dance lessons she doesn’t need to.

10 Using Conjunctions to Fix Run-ons ▪ Let’s fix the following sentence together: ▪ WRONG: The other day my favorite episode of Modern Family was on, I didn’t watch it. ▪ What conjunction could we use to make the run-on a complete sentence? Where would we put it? ▪ CORRECT:

11 Fix the Sentence using a conjunction! ▪ Use the white boards to fix the sentences! ▪ Jenna stayed up until 2:00 AM last night practicing how to twerk she’s feeling very tired today. ▪ Other dancers try to imitate her they have not succeeded. Remember: FANBOYS Next, Write a sentence on your own using a conjunction!

12 Review Answer the following questions on a sheet of paper. They will be collected to check for understanding. ▪ 1. What is a run-on sentence? ▪ 2. What is a conjunction? ▪ 3. List 2 conjunctions.

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