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Was the New Deal a success? America 1932 to 1939.

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1 Was the New Deal a success? America 1932 to 1939

2 Background FDR was re-elected in 1936 – this time 46 out of 48 states voted for him – showed that people thought the New deal was a success Yet the New Deal was still opposed by many of FDR’s opponents Republicans who believed in “Rugged individualism”

3 People thought that Roosevelt was acting like a dictator Businessmen did not like the restrictions place on them by the NRA People who thought that the government had created “worthless” jobs Some people though that the government was not doing enough for the people – such as Huey Long a Senator from Louisiana

4 The Supreme court Supreme court – makes sure that the President acts within the law 1932 – dominated by Republicans – used it to stop parts of the New Deal 1936 – Roosevelt used his landslide victory to threaten to create new members of the court if they did not play ball Angered many people but worked – the Supreme Court became more objective

5 Was it a success? Created jobs Boosted confidence Helped certain groups – the old, disabled, homeowners and farmers Farm labourers were still badly off Black workers did less well out of the New Deal than white workers Certain areas like the dust bowl were still in trouble

6 New Deal and Unemployment 1933 – 14 million unemployed 1937 – 8 million unemployed. FDR thought that the worst was over and cut spending 1938 – 11 million unemployed. FDR had to spend money again 1939 – unemployment fell slowly to 9 million. The momentum was slowing down Depression did not end until the USA joined WW2 in 1941 – created jobs

7 The verdict The New Deal did not completely solve the depression Made big improvements to the lives of poor Americans Changed the way which government worked – people now expected them to help the poor Changed the relationship between the federal and state governments

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