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Preparing for Finals Learning Strategies. Word  Good at reading, writing, speaking  May enjoy reading and writing  May be good at telling jokes, speaking.

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Presentation on theme: "Preparing for Finals Learning Strategies. Word  Good at reading, writing, speaking  May enjoy reading and writing  May be good at telling jokes, speaking."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparing for Finals Learning Strategies

2 Word  Good at reading, writing, speaking  May enjoy reading and writing  May be good at telling jokes, speaking in front of others  Can have an interest in foreign languages  May be gifted in one area, but struggle in another

3 Body Smart  Generally enjoy sports, dance, or other areas of physical fitness  Referred to as active-love to move  Learn best through movement and hands-on activities

4 Music Smart  Enjoy music have a strong sense of rhythm  Learn through songs, pattern, rhythms, and other forms of musical expression  Frequently tapping or dancing to music

5 Number  Good at math  Like to solve problems or puzzles that involve logic or numbers  Can do math in their head  Like to budget, organize

6 Picture  Often called “creative”  Good at following maps, noticing patterns  Good at putting together puzzles  Artistic or crafty

7 People  Work well on teams  Skilled at making people feel comfortable  Enjoy helping others  May be good at resovling conflicts  Can easily develop relationships  May be shy OR outgoing

8 Self  Reflective thinker  Clear sense of values and beliefs  Strong sense of spirituality  Likely to be disciplined and focused  This intelligence will often develop as we mature

9 Nature  Love to be outdoors  Appreciate the environment  Respect the beauty of nature  Interested in plants, animals, natural resources  May like hunting, fishing, diving,hiking

10 Music Smart Musical/Rhythmical Intelligence  Listen to music while studying  Make up rhymes or chants  Develop mneumonics

11 Picture/Visual Smart Spatial Intelligence  Create pictures ( can be mental or drawn) to represent key concepts  Use graphic organizers and concept maps  Sketch in small column of Cornell notes

12 Word Smart Linguistic Intelligence TTTTake detailed notes while reading or listening to lecture UUUUse Cornell notes-react with personal thoughts over what you learn MMMMake flash cards

13 Number/Reasoning Smart Logical/Mathematical Intelligence UUUUse charts and graphs to organize and connect information CCCClassify and categorize information before you study RRRRank tasks in order of importance to help keep on track

14 People Smart Interpersonal Intelligence  May need to study around others…not alone  Use discussion/study groups  Talk through what you know with someone

15 Self Smart Intrapersonal Intelligence  Find a quiet place without distraction  Study alone  Use Cornell notes to  reflect on learning material

16 Nature Smart Naturalist Intelligence  Study outdoors if weather permits  Connect new learning to the principals of the way things work in nature  Use natural light  Use animal analogies

17 Body Smart Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence oMove around while memorizing oAct out concepts oLink (connect) newly acquired knowledge with real life concepts oInteract with others while studying

18 Rock, pebble, water…  Rock-school, meals, chores, homework…  Pebble-sports, band, part-time job, hobbies, time with friends  Water-video games, watching T.V.  Rock-HAVE TO: Pebble-WANT TO: Water-DOESN’T MATTER

19 Day Planner/ Assignment Notebook Prepare the week on Monday Write assignments as they are given Mark the page with a binder clip Meet with your family at least once per week so you can compare schedules

20 T-Zone  Line of sight where the teacher focuses most of his attention  If you do not sit here, you need to make yourself stand out in a good way

21 Essays  Restate your prompt or question as a topic sentence

22 Goals  Specific  Measurable  Attainable  Realistic  Timely  Put them in writing to activate another part of the brain and to enable your mind to work on them consciuosly and subconsciously

23 Hemispheric Dominance  Dominance formed-born with it, early exposure, your choice  Left-organized, step by step  Right-jump in anywhere and get it done  Same on all continents

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