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LEFT RIGHT What is the result of this Lesion? Answer:

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Presentation on theme: "LEFT RIGHT What is the result of this Lesion? Answer:"— Presentation transcript:

1 LEFT RIGHT What is the result of this Lesion? Answer:
What Pathway is this? (sensory modality and region) Answer: Pain and Temperature from the Body What is the major Tract in this Pathway? Answer: Lateral Spinothalamic Tract LEFT RIGHT What is the result of this Lesion? Answer: Ipsilateral (Left) loss of Temperature focally at the lesion (sacral dermatome)

2 LEFT RIGHT What is the result of this Lesion? Answer:
Ipsilateral (Left) loss of Pain and Temperature for ~2 dermatomes below the level of the lesion. Note Lower segments (thoracic, lumbar, sacral) would not be affected if the lesion is focal.

3 LEFT RIGHT What is the result of this Lesion? Answer:
Bilateral (Left and Right) loss of Pain and Temperature at ~2 dermatomes below the level of the lesion.

4 LEFT RIGHT What is the result of this Lesion? Answer:
Contralateral (Left) loss of Pain and Temperature for thoracic dermatomes and below.

5 LEFT RIGHT What is the result of this Lesion? Answer:
Contralateral (Left) loss of Pain and Temperature in the Body.

6 LEFT RIGHT What is the result of this Lesion? Answer:
Contralateral (Left) loss of Pain and Temperature in the Body.

7 LEFT RIGHT What is the result of this Lesion? Answer:
Contralateral (Left) loss of all Somatosensation in the Body (Pain, Temperature, Touch, Pressure, Vibration, etc).

8 LEFT RIGHT What is the result of this Lesion? Answer:
Contralateral (Left) loss of all Somatosensation in the Foot/Leg (Pain, Temperature, Touch, Pressure, Vibration, etc).

9 What is the name of this Structure?
What Pathway is this? (sensory modality and region) Answer: Pain and Temperature from the Head and Face What is the Tract name for the second order axons after they have crossed the midline? Answer: Ventral Trigeminothalamic Tract Left Right Midbrain Pons What is the name of this Structure? Spinotrigeminal tract Medulla What is the name of this Structure? Ventral Trigemino- thalamic tract Left Right

10 What is the result of this Lesion?
Left Right Answer: Ipsilateral (Left) loss of all Somatosensation in the Face and Head (Pain, Temperature, Touch, Pressure, Vibration, etc). Spinotrigeminal tract Ventral Trigemino- thalamic tract Left Right

11 What is the result of this Lesion?
Left Right Answer: Ipsilateral (Left) loss of Pain and Temperature from the Head and Face. Spinotrigeminal tract Ventral Trigemino- thalamic tract Left Right

12 What is the result of this Lesion?
Left Right Answer: Contralateral (Left) loss of Pain and Temperature from the Head and Face. Spinotrigeminal tract Ventral Trigemino- thalamic tract

13 What is the result of this Lesion?
What Pathway is shown in orange? (sensory modality and region) Answer: Fine Discrimination Touch from the Head and Face Left Right What is the result of this Lesion? Answer: Contralateral (Left) loss of Pain and Temperature, AND Fine Discrimination Touch from the Head and Face. Spinotrigeminal tract Ventral Trigemino- thalamic tract

14 What Pathway is this? (sensory modality and region)
Answer: Fine Discrimination Touch from the Body What is the name of the Tract consisting of the 2nd order axons? Answer: Medial Lemniscus

15 What is the result of this Lesion?
Answer: Ipsilateral loss of all Sensory Modalities (Pain, Temp, Fine Discrim Touch, Proprioception) at the level of the lesion.

16 What is the result of this Lesion?
Answer: Ipsilateral loss of Fine Discrimination Touch on the legs.

17 What is the result of this Lesion?
Answer: Ipsilateral loss of Fine Discrimination Touch in the upper Body.

18 What is the result of this Lesion?
Answer: Contralateral loss of Fine Discrimination Touch on the Lower Body.

19 What is the result of this Lesion?
Answer: Contralateral loss of Fine Discrimination Touch on Upper and Lower Body.

20 What is the result of this Lesion?
Answer: Contralateral loss of Fine Discrimination Touch on Upper and Lower Body.

21 What is the result of this Lesion?
Answer: Contralateral (Left) loss of all Somatosensation in the Leg (Pain, Temperature, Touch, Pressure, Vibration, etc).

22 What is the result of this Lesion?
Answer: Contralateral loss of of all Somatosensation on Upper and Lower Body. (Pain, Temperature, Touch, Pressure, Vibration, etc).

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