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24.11.2011 ANTALYA “The Establishment of Database and Network Connection of Smallholders/FamilyFarmers Agricultural Cooperatives between COMCEC member.

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Presentation on theme: "24.11.2011 ANTALYA “The Establishment of Database and Network Connection of Smallholders/FamilyFarmers Agricultural Cooperatives between COMCEC member."— Presentation transcript:

1 24.11.2011 ANTALYA “The Establishment of Database and Network Connection of Smallholders/FamilyFarmers Agricultural Cooperatives between COMCEC member Countries” funded by the COMCEC PROJECT NO : 2014-TURAGRIC-065 General Directorate of Agricultural Reform TURKISH REPUBLIC MINISTRY OF FOOD AGRICULTURE AND LIVESTOCK

2 24.11.2011 ANTALYA TURKISH REPUBLIC MINISTRY OF FOOD AGRICULTURE AND LIVESTOCK General Directorate of Agricultural Reform PROJECT DURATION: Nine (9) months. (April-December 2015) PROJECT BUDGET: 111.211 $ COMCEC 16.400 $ General Directorate of Agricultural Reform 127.611 $ Total Budget PROJECT TARGET GROUP: -Smallholders / Family Farmers -Agricultural Cooperatives in OIC Member Countries

3 TURKISH REPUBLIC MINISTRY OF FOOD AGRICULTURE AND LIVESTOCK General Directorate of Agricultural Reform PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Agricultural cooperatives in member countries do not know each other and therefore cannot colloborate and utilize the opportunity of doing business together. Consequently, agricultural cooperatives have a very small share in trade among member countries. The trade is mostly done not by producers or producer groups but by intermediaries. This results in reduced producer incomes and increased input costs for purchasers.

4 TURKISH REPUBLIC MINISTRY OF FOOD AGRICULTURE AND LIVESTOCK General Directorate of Agricultural Reform OVERALL OBJECTIVE: - Enhancement of trade and cooperation among the agricultural producer organisations in member countries. - Establish solidarity by networking smallholders/family farmers and agricultural cooperatives in OIC member countries

5 TURKISH REPUBLIC MINISTRY OF FOOD AGRICULTURE AND LIVESTOCK General Directorate of Agricultural Reform PROJECT PURPOSE: In the long run: - Develop a platform for collaboration and trade among smallholders and agricultural producer organizations. In the short run: -Bring together representatives of potential parties -Analyze the collaboration potential among participating countries -Develop a road map for further collaboration (including training, expert and information exchange, technology transfer, market research, clustering, establishing an e-commerce platform)

6 TURKISH REPUBLIC MINISTRY OF FOOD AGRICULTURE AND LIVESTOCK General Directorate of Agricultural Reform EXPECTED OUTCOMES: A colloboration platform among smallholders/family farmers and agricultural producer organisations in member countries will be established. Trade strategy among member countries will be identified and road map for establishment of information infrastructure for improving trade among member countries will be developed.

7 TURKISH REPUBLIC MINISTRY OF FOOD AGRICULTURE AND LIVESTOCK General Directorate of Agricultural Reform Participating Countries Proposed COMCEC Member Countries to be included in the project are listed below; 1. Afghanistan13. Lebanon 2. Albania14. Mauritania 3. Azerbaijan15. Palastine 4. Bangladesh16. Pakistan 5. Egypt17. Saudi Arabia 6. Gambia18. Senegal 7.Djibouti19. Sudan 8. Indonesia20. Suriname 9. Iran21. Tajikistan 10. Iraq22. Tunisia 11. Jordan23.Turkey 12. Kazakhstan24. Uganda

8 TURKISH REPUBLIC MINISTRY OF FOOD AGRICULTURE AND LIVESTOCK General Directorate of Agricultural Reform ACTIVITIES: 1.Preparation of TOR (Terms of References) for project report. 2.Verification of focal points from OIC member countries. 3.Identification of mostly traded agricultural products 4.Identification of agricultural cooperatives in participating countries producing or trading selected products. 5.Draft report of preliminary findings. 6.Organization of Workshop and Study Visits 7.Reporting

9 TURKISH REPUBLIC MINISTRY OF FOOD AGRICULTURE AND LIVESTOCK General Directorate of Agricultural Reform PROGRESS 1.All project activities are completed 2.A workshop was organized in Ankara in 16-17 November followed by study visits to four selected producer organizations between 18-22 November 3.40 Participants from 20 Countries participated in the workshop and study visits.

10 TURKISH REPUBLIC MINISTRY OF FOOD AGRICULTURE AND LIVESTOCK General Directorate of Agricultural Reform Immediate Results At the end of the workshop and study visits the following outcomes were already observed. 1.Bangladesh made a purchase agreement with a producer of halal slaughtering equipment in Turkey 2.Bangladesh signed an agreement of goodwill for purchase of 700 tonnes of milk powder from a cooperative in Turkey 3.Afghanistan made a preliminary agreement with a cooperative for the purchase of potato seeds 4.A cooperative in Turkey agreed to send an expert to Afghanistan for combatting potato diseases 5.Palestine made an agreement with SESRIC about training of their producer organizations and women farmers

11 TURKISH REPUBLIC MINISTRY OF FOOD AGRICULTURE AND LIVESTOCK General Directorate of Agricultural Reform Immediate Results (continued) Mutual agreement has been reached in the following topics: Afghanistan: Import of fruit saplings Albania: Export of chestnuts Azerbaijan: Exchange of fruit species in order to increase genetic varieties. Indonesia: Training of Indonesia family farmers in Turkey Jordan: Import of fruits Albania - Lebanon - Kazakhstan - Senegal: Information / expert exchange with Turkey and training for combatting plant diseases and pests Pakistan: Cooperative management training in Pakistan Free on the job training in Bademli Arboriculture Agricultural Cooperative in Turkey to all participating countries on a variety of topics

12 TURKISH REPUBLIC MINISTRY OF FOOD AGRICULTURE AND LIVESTOCK General Directorate of Agricultural Reform Contribution to the COMCEC Strategies With the vision of build a prosperous Islamic Ummah, the project contributed to the following missions of COMCEC: 1.Dissemination of knowledge 2.Share of experiences and best practices 3.Develop a common language and understanding

13 TURKISH REPUBLIC MINISTRY OF FOOD AGRICULTURE AND LIVESTOCK General Directorate of Agricultural Reform Contribution to the COMCEC Strategies (continued) The project directly contributed to the following Principles of COMCEC: 1.Enhancing Mobility through exchange of experts and introducing potential for trade among agricultural producers 2.Strengthening Solidarity by incorporating resources and efforts, sharing experiences and best practices of agricultural producers to address common challenges

14 One of the main factors behind the success of smallholders/family farmers and agricultural producer organisations of OIC member countries is solidarity

15 TURKISH REPUBLIC MINISTRY OF FOOD AGRICULTURE AND LIVESTOCK General Directorate of Agricultural Reform Dr. Gürsel KÜSEK General Director of Agricultural Reform Responsible Authority of the Project Dr. Melik AYTAÇ Contact Person of Project Melih ARAL Project Coordinator

16 Thanks for listening Questions, comments and suggestions are welcome Historic Peninsula, Istanbul

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