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By: Brendan Conn. Marketing Function  Marketing implementation involves activities to put marketing strategies into action.

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1 By: Brendan Conn

2 Marketing Function  Marketing implementation involves activities to put marketing strategies into action.

3 Market Analysis  Market size (current and future)  Market growth rate  Market profitability  Industry cost structure  Distribution channels  Market trends  Key success factors

4 Market Position  The Trades Union Congress (TUC) is the national organization which represents trade unions in Britain. In total, the TUC represented 71 unions, nearly 7 million working people in 2002.

5 Key Marketing  Their marketing objectives target different businesses that are in need of a union or already have one.

6 Marketing Strategy  Yes, their strategy finds workers in need of a union. It can be everyone from teachers, steel workers, to flight pilots.

7 Main Market Segments  They aim at all workers alike but not so much in small businesses.  They try for the bigger companies and schools.

8 Market Structure  The TUC enrolls over 25,000 companies each year.  There is also the TUC National Education Centre, which provides training and development services for professional trade union officers and staff.

9 Market Share  The TUC owns over 25% of the Market Share in Britain.  Their goals are to expand the company further and enroll more companies into a union.

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