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Practicing Mindfulness CCSU’s Work-Life-Family Conference Elizabeth A. Caswell October 23, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Practicing Mindfulness CCSU’s Work-Life-Family Conference Elizabeth A. Caswell October 23, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Practicing Mindfulness CCSU’s Work-Life-Family Conference Elizabeth A. Caswell October 23, 2015

2 What Mindfulness is and how you can use it to:  Wake up to your life  Manage your thoughts and fears  Become more creative, resourceful and healthy  Starter questions: 1.I notice changes inside my body, such as my heart beating faster, muscles tensing, face flushing. 2.If there is something I don’t want to think about, I have a hard time getting it out of my mind. 3.When talking with other people, I am aware of their facial and body expressions. Where Are You? 2

3 Paying attention, in the moment, non-judgmentally, as if your life depended on it. What is Mindfulness? 3

4 Informal: Anytime, anywhere. - Whatever you are doing, focus on only that. - When you catch your mind wandering, let the thought go, and - Bring yourself back to focus by checking your breathing and reengaging. Formal: Time and place specific - Set aside a space and time without external distractions. - Begin by just observing your breath. - You may choose to extend to observing your body, bringing attention to parts, in turn. No judgements, no planning, no clock watching. Just be. Getting Started 4

5 1.Beginner’s mind: See things as new and fresh, as if for the first time, with a sense of curiosity. 2.Non-judgment: Cultivate impartial awareness in any given experience –no labels. 3.Acknowledgement: Validate your experiences as they are. 4.Nonstriving: Be open to whatever arises in the moment – no manipulation; be OK with being where you are in the present moment. 5.Equanimity: Involves balance and fosters wisdom; helps you understand the nature of change and allows you to “be” with change with greater insight and compassion. 6.Letting be: Be with whatever is, without trying to force letting go of whatever is present. 7.Self-reliance: See for yourself, what is true or untrue for you, in your own experience. 8.Self-compassion: Enables you to cultivate self-love for you just as you are, without blame or criticism. 8 Attitudes of Mindfulness Source: Stahl, Elisha and Bob, A Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Workbook 5

6 A nxiety Benefits of Mindfulness Asthma CHRONIC PAIN Depression Diabetes Fibromyalgia Hypertension Irritable Bowel Syndrome Sleep Problems Psoriasis High Blood Pressure 6 Weight Management

7  The Beginner’s Mind, Jon Kabat-Zinn    Additional Resources 7

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