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“Models” of Health Or Different “ways” of looking at health.

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Presentation on theme: "“Models” of Health Or Different “ways” of looking at health."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Models” of Health Or Different “ways” of looking at health

2 Medical Model  A reductionist approach –i.e. it reduces the idea of “health” to:  Biological abnormalities –Observable objectively  i.e. measurable (by a blood test for example) –Health is seen as the body being in “normal” working order

3 Social Model  Holistic approach  Recognises a wide range of influences such as:  Economic –Think of some examples where lack of money might affect your health  Social Influences –Think of some examples where culture or community around you may affect your health  Environmental –What differences in health might you have if you live in a city or the countryside or even a different country?

4 World Health Organisation Definition  “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity"  In more recent years, this statement has been changed to include: – the ability to lead a "socially and economically productive life.“  Some argue that health cannot be defined – but must be seen as a process of continuous adjustment  to the changing demands of living  The WHO definition can be seen as an idealistic goal –rather than a realistic state

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