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Miriam Y Lacey, PhDMay 21, 2009 MSOD Alumni Conference Laguna Beach, CA.

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Presentation on theme: "Miriam Y Lacey, PhDMay 21, 2009 MSOD Alumni Conference Laguna Beach, CA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Miriam Y Lacey, PhDMay 21, 2009 MSOD Alumni Conference Laguna Beach, CA

2 Our path today 3. Findings 2. Framework for analysis 1. Scope of research 6. Recom- mendations and opinions 5. Questions about curriculum 4. Questions about practice

3 ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT JOURNAL published 3 Special Editions on Best Global Practices in Internal OD Summer, Fall and Winter 2007 Total of 73 articles Lacey and Tompkins analyzed them


5 Then it must be a best practice. Oh my…a pretty big assumption…. The OD Journal’s underlying assumption IF the consultant presented it as a best practice and IF the blind peer review board selected it… Unclear criteria on what constitutes“best practice”


7 Business context Intervention focus Delivery methods Talent mgt Consulting process

8 your opinion Develop business strategy with executives Facilitate implementation of the business strategy through an array of interventions Ideal worldReal world ________ ________ ________ ________








16 1. Business Strategy Have NO “seat at the table” Provide an array of OD interven- tions to support the business strategy (developed by execs) 2. Talent Management Usually are in charge of TM Enjoy the “legitimized” OD role Exhibit strong feelings of pride

17 Whether internal or external—complete a blue questionnaire— hopefully you already have ! What percent of your practice do you spend on Business Strategy and/or Talent Management? Any particular area? Succession Planning Coaching Career development, etc Where did you get the expertise?



20 Chat at your table pick a scribe hand in questionnaire 2 questions 1.About strategy 2.About talent management

21 The program has a strong focus on the development of business strategy Do you see your role as participating in the dev of bus strategy? Or is your role to support the implementation of the strategy through diverse interventions? How important is it for you to have a “seat at the table” to develop business strategy? How should the program augment the curriculum to prepare you? Would you have liked a more formal treatment of Talent Management in the program? Or, is it easy enough to pick up on-the-job? If you want it, how best to provide it?

22 Are we training or educating? How responsive should we be to fads and trends? Who should decide?

23 Global perspective Business strategy Delivery methods Talent mgt Consulting process Focus of intervention

24 #1. Global Perspective While most internal practitioners embrace a global orientation and understand the worldwide context within which their companies operate, they seem little affected by these views. Only a handful of articles sought to intervene or implement organization change of this magnitude.

25 #2. Business Strategy Competence in development of business strategy is a high impact way for internal OD consultants to be viewed as a “player” throughout the org. This demands a level of business acumen which is unlikely to be lodged in the run-of-the-mill OD Consultant. While many internal practitioners fall short in strategy formulation, they tend to excel in strategy implementation.

26 #3. Focus of Intervention Once executives have determined business strategy, they turn to OD. OD is viewed as implementation support—a provider of change management guidance. Know-how to leverage org systems and processes to implement cultural and structural changes to achieve the business strategy.

27 #4. Delivery Methods to Enhance Organization Capability Practitioners have a virtually unlimited array of methods and interventions, but… Internal OD consultants in this study rely on four basics of the field: training, communications, empowerment and teams. Is there a true need to learn the six hottest tools? Eg. Diversity, AI, knowledge mgt, learning orgs, quality (six sigma, lean), etc.

28 #5. Talent Management Internal OD consultants design/implement a broad range of people development interventions for both management and workers. Two TM demands dominated internal consultant practice: a) readying managers to take the reins as senior executives retire, and b) designing work and HR systems to simultaneously address organization needs for productivity and the developmental needs of the workforce.

29 #6. Consulting Process: Action Research is alive and well. Great emphasis was found on data collection that was simple in approach, quick to conduct, and easy to understand. Benchmarking upgraded standards of rigor by locating best practices across industries, and promoting consultant confidence! Internal consultants in this study, (as is true of the field in general), rarely take time to formally evaluate their work.


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