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Its all about stages.... Childhood Birth - 12years Conception Prenatal Infant Toddler Child Sperm Ovum Germinal Embryonic Foetal Newborns Babies Infants.

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Presentation on theme: "Its all about stages.... Childhood Birth - 12years Conception Prenatal Infant Toddler Child Sperm Ovum Germinal Embryonic Foetal Newborns Babies Infants."— Presentation transcript:

1 Its all about stages...


3 Childhood Birth - 12years Conception Prenatal Infant Toddler Child Sperm Ovum Germinal Embryonic Foetal Newborns Babies Infants Toddler Preschooler

4 Terminology Got to know it. (understand it)

5 Stages of Pregnancy How long is a piece of string Germinal Embryonic Foetal

6 Germinal Stage Sperm 23 chromosomes Ovum 23 chromosomes Sperm+Ovum = 23+23= 46 = Zygot and contains full blue print for developing one single cell into a human being. Zygot + 4days = 16-20 cells and is now a Morula Morula + 2days = (Differentiation individual cells begin to take on their specific roles (outer layer and inner cells) = Blastocyst Blastocyst = days 6 to 8 baby and placental cells defined. Human chorionic gonadotropin produced. Stops the menstrual cycle. Implantation = Embryo

7 Embryonic stage implantation to end of week 8 Differentiation of cells. Outer cells (choroin) begin to develop into the placenta and the amniotic sack. Inner cells grow in three layers. Ectoderm becomes the neural tube which will form the brain backbone and spinal cord. From the middle layer (mesoderm) muscles bones heart and circulatory system and sexual organs. The third layer (endoderm) becomes the internal organs, lungs, liver, bowel, bladder and intestines.

8 Embryonic stage Day 17 thyroid gland begins and is the centre for control of metabolism Day 18 we have a heart and a neural plate which will develop into the brain. Day 21 lungs are developing and the brain has distinguishable areas and heart has chambers and beats, Kidneys and liver are developing. We have arm and leg buds. Day 49 During this time the embryo undergoes a huge phase of cell differentiation and specialisation resulting in an almost tripling in size organs and skeleton are fully defined.

9 Foetal Stage Week 9 till birth All systems are go. Muscles nerves and body organs. Growth and development ++++ Ready for birth Last organs to be finished Lungs, Heart Brain last of all if ever.

10 12 WEEKS: 5.5 cm long, is aware of sound, all organs working (except the lungs), can suck its thumb, will sneeze if something touches its nose 20 WEEKS: First movements felt by the woman, foetus can feel pain 28 WEEKS: Lungs mature enabling the foetus to breathe by itself once born, Opens eyes 32 WEEKS: Layers of fat form under the skin to keep the foetus warm in preparation for birth and life outside the womb.

11 Love to categorise. 1st Trimester 1-12 weeks13 Grams 5 cm Germinal Foundation Embryonic 2 nd Trimester 13-27 weeks1Kg FoetalRefinement/Specialisation 3 rd Trimester 28-40 weeks3.4Kg FoetalGROWTH!


13 Cephalocaudal Development Head down to toes Gradual gaining of control of the body. Head....... facial Torso Limbs Extremities.

14 Proximodistal development Inside to out (Spinal column) Torso Limbs Hands and feet Toes


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