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Effects of Foot Placement on Trunk Kinematics During Baseball Pitching Rebecca Smith/Kinesiology/Junior/Physical Therapy Sakiko Oyama Baseball Pitching.

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1 Effects of Foot Placement on Trunk Kinematics During Baseball Pitching Rebecca Smith/Kinesiology/Junior/Physical Therapy Sakiko Oyama Baseball Pitching Lab-SRL BACKGROUND STATEMENTS Severe upper extremity injuries among baseball players are extremely common and affect a large number of players in the sport today. Employing a pitching technique that increases the stress on the shoulder and elbow is considered a risk factor for injuries that occur in the shoulder and elbow. Improper trunk kinematics, such as excessive contralateral trunk, can increase the stress on the shoulder and elbow. Stride foot placement may be a technical parameter that affects truck kinematics. RESEARCH PROBLEM: How does stride foot placement effect trunk kinematics during baseball pitching? SIGNIFICANCE OF YOUR PROJECT : This project will help us identify strategies to reduce the incidence of shoulder and elbow injuries in baseball pitchers. This will be done by understanding the factors that influence the trunk kinematics and help us identify the important technical parameters of baseball pitching and how these parameters affect the shoulder and elbow.

2 METHODOLOGIES GENERAL APPROACH OF YOUR WORK/DESIGN OF PROJECT Ages 14-35 years Two years of experience Will be recruited by an investigator though local baseball leagues/camps, high schools, and colleges MATERIALS Vicon 8 motion capture system (8 cameras) Two high speed video cameras Reflective markers and double sided tape Indoor pitching mound and ball Net and target TECHNIQUES USED Baseline pitching trial conducted to mark normal stride foot contact Measure four inches to the left and right and place markers About ten pitches are thrown at each marker for analysis NEW DATA OR RESULTS COLLECTED/GENERATED ANALYSIS OF WORK

3 PROGRESS REPORT WHAT HAVE YOU COMPLETED TO DATE? Camera set up/calibration, participant preparation, and start up of recruitment WHAT MORE DO YOU NEED TO DO? Schedule participants and collect data WHAT DO YOU EXPECT TO PRESENT AT THE END OF THE SUMMER? I expect to present about the effects of foot placement on trunk kinematics during baseball pitching WHAT UNEXPECTED PROBLEMS HAVE YOU ENCOUNTERED? Recruitment of participants WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE ANOTHER UNDERGRADUATE EMBARKING ON A SUMMER RESEARCH PROJECT? I would encourage other undergraduates embarking on a research project to meet as many people as you can and make connections with them, especially your mentor. It could be beneficial to you in the future. HOW HAS THIS PROJECT (THUS FAR) CHANGED YOUR PERCEPTIONS OF RESEARCH AND POSSIBLE GRADUATE SCHOOL OR CAREER PURSUITS? Research is fun and interesting and you get to meet a lot of new people. It hasn’t changed my career pursuits, but it has given me the opportunity to explore different paths in my field. ANY OTHER COMMENTS ABOUT THE PROJECT OR SUMMER RESEARCH PROGRAM? I am so thankful I have gotten to be apart of the summer research program. My mentor has been extremely helpful and has made this experience one I will not forget. I hope to continue working alongside my mentor even after the summer is over.

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