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The Vermont Department of Health Update on Pandemic Threat Cort Lohff, MD, MPH State Epidemiologist Guidance Support Prevention Protection.

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Presentation on theme: "The Vermont Department of Health Update on Pandemic Threat Cort Lohff, MD, MPH State Epidemiologist Guidance Support Prevention Protection."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Vermont Department of Health Update on Pandemic Threat Cort Lohff, MD, MPH State Epidemiologist Guidance Support Prevention Protection

2 The Vermont Department of Health Present Threats The introduction of the H5N1 virus (avian influenza virus – “bird flu”) into North America An influenza pandemic

3 The Vermont Department of Health Avian Influenza Illness in birds Domestic and wild (migratory) Usually with different strains of the virus than what are found in humans High and low-pathogenic strains

4 The Vermont Department of Health Avian Influenza Humans rarely can get infected/ill: Risk associated with close contact to infected birds or their contaminated environments H5N1 one example

5 The Vermont Department of Health H5N1 Update 333 human cases/204 deaths (October 31, 2007) 12 countries Almost all cases had close contact with infected poultry or contaminated environments

6 The Vermont Department of Health H5N1 Update Human infections continue to be rare despite : Increasingly wide geographic range High number of human exposures to infected birds or their contaminated environments Suggests the virus has not adapted itself to be easily transmitted to humans

7 The Vermont Department of Health

8 How Might H5N1 Enter the U.S.? Major risk pathways Illegal movement of poultry Illegal movement of birds, pets Lower risk pathways Migratory birds Ill humans

9 The Vermont Department of Health Pandemic - Definition Global disease outbreak For an influenza pandemic to occur: A new type of the influenza virus must emerge Most or all of the population susceptible Virus easily spread person to person Widespread illness and death [Note the first two conditions are met with H5N1]

10 The Vermont Department of Health 20 th Century Pandemics 1918 Spanish Flu 20-100 million deaths worldwide  500,000 U.S. 1957 Asian Flu 1968 Hong Kong Flu

11 The Vermont Department of Health Potential Impacts Simultaneous and sustained impact across U.S. and globally: Unlike other emergencies Disruptions in essential services Up to 40% workforce out

12 The Vermont Department of Health Potential Impacts Shortages of vaccine and antiviral medications Overwhelming number of ill people, demand for health care resources, and deaths

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