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ACADEMIA COLOMBIANA DE CIENCIAS EXACTAS, FISICAS Y NATURALES ACCEFYN. Short report presented to the Trienal Conference and General Assambly of IANAS Ottawa.

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Presentation on theme: "ACADEMIA COLOMBIANA DE CIENCIAS EXACTAS, FISICAS Y NATURALES ACCEFYN. Short report presented to the Trienal Conference and General Assambly of IANAS Ottawa."— Presentation transcript:

1 ACADEMIA COLOMBIANA DE CIENCIAS EXACTAS, FISICAS Y NATURALES ACCEFYN. Short report presented to the Trienal Conference and General Assambly of IANAS Ottawa (Canadá) 2010.

2 Organization and Activities of ACCEFYNACCEFYN PLENUM OF ACADEMY Presidency Board of Directors Presidency General Secretary General Secretary

3 1- Changes to the ACCEFYN Statuts ACCEFYN (Approved in December 2009) Objetives: To bring up to date and to fix some contents from the former statutes. Main Changes: a) To increase to three per year the number of regular members (Miembros de número o titulares) b) It is included in the Board a correspondent member of the Academy c) Only two consecutive elections for members of the Board are allowed.

4 New Board of ACCEFYN Annual - PRIZES August 18th, in the Formal Statutary anual meeting, the new Board of the Academy took up their new charges for 2010-2013. * (Only a member was changed) There were awarded the prizes: 1- Life and work of a scientist 2- TWAS prize for young colombian scientist (Area 2010: physics).

5 The Academy participated actively in the discusion of new law about S,T&I Several organizations working in Science : Colciencias - ACAC – Maloka – ACOFACIEN - ACCEFYN, etc, participated in this discusion, promoted and boosted the approval of a new law about S,T&I by the Colombian Congress. Dr Jaime Restrepo Cuartas, congressman and former presidente of the Antioquia Univerty, and the senator Marta Lucía Ramirez presented to the Congress the new law. This law was approved January 2009. Colciencias was converted to a Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Ciencia, tecnologia e innovacion ( a kind of Secretaria de Gobierno ). The Diector takes part in the National Council of social and economics policies of government COMPES. This law established a Fund to finance programs in S,T&I. A Fund without a permanet budget (a weakness, we hope to be corrected with a percent of royalities produced by oil and others, as the new Government plans)

6 ACCEFYN – Board of ACCEFYN period 2008-2010: From left to right: Margarita Perea Director of Library, Xavier Caicedo Vicepresident, Moisés Wassermann former- presidente, Miguel Angel Alario President of the Real Academia de Ciencias Española (invitado), Jaime Rodriguez Lara President, Inés Bernal treasurer, José Lozano Secretary, Pedro Prieto Director of Publications, Juan Francisco Miranda Director of Colciencias (Invited)

7 Internacional partenership meeting on select topics of sciences: Objetive Performance of international seminar, each two years, about specifics issues in exact, physical and naturals sciences, where nationals and foreings scientists can meet to establish nets for helping and sharing knowledge, resources, and experiences. The event has been organized with the assistence of ACOFACIEN (Colombian Association of sciences faculties). The first of these seminars was realized in August 2008 on two subjets: Parasitology and Natural chemistry products The second seminar will be realized in next November 2010 on nanoscience.

8 ACCEFYN is participating en IANAS programs : Science Education Program was coordinated by Dr, Jose Lozano until 2010. Dr Lozano is the Secretary of ACCEFYN. Pequeños Científicos program ACCEFYN take part in the Pequeños Científicos program. Americas Sustainable Energy Proyect: ACCEFYN participetes with the Academiciens Dr.Humberto Rodríguez Murcia y Dr.Jose Maria Rincón. Scientific Women: participate the academiciens Dra.Angela Camacho Beltran y Dra. Margarita Perea. In the water program ACCEFYN participates with academicien Grabriel Roldan.

9 This is a short report of ACCEFYN 2007-2010 presented to the Trienal conference of IANAS

10 We participated on The IVº LA.Workshop on ECBI (2008 La Paz Bolivia).


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