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Supervision - Making a Difference Angela Drury Senior Professional Officer, NIPEC.

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Presentation on theme: "Supervision - Making a Difference Angela Drury Senior Professional Officer, NIPEC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supervision - Making a Difference Angela Drury Senior Professional Officer, NIPEC


3 Murtagh Review (2005) McCleery Report (2006) O’Neill Inquiry Report (2008)

4 ‘Supervision is defined as a process of professional support and learning, undertaken through a range of activities, which enables individual registrant nurses to develop knowledge and competence, assume responsibility for their own practice and enhance service-user protection, quality and safety.’


6 Professional Supervision should enable a registrant to: Identify solutions to problems Increase understanding of professional issues Further develop their skills and knowledge Enhance their understanding of their own practice Improve standards of patient care

7 What do the Registrants have to say about Supervision Activity? 35% Response Rate (n=7593) 97% in employment (n= 7308)

8 Supervision Sessions to Support Role Yes No

9 Benefit of Supervision Sessions 70% thought supervision was fairly or very beneficial!

10 Benefit of Appraisal Only 49% thought appraisal was fairly or very beneficial!

11 Supervision by Job Title Group 3 Sisters Group 2 E/ F Grade Group 1 C/D Grade Group 4 Community Nurses

12 The Review

13 1.Implementation 2.Governance

14 So what happened? Facilitated HSC Trusts to implement the Regional Standards. Baseline33% RegionalPolicy Records Guidelines and templates MonitoringTool Organisational Framework EducationalFramework PromotionalMaterials Examining how to Measure Effectiveness

15 Optional Extra? Will be monitored Annual Report from the Executive Directors of Nursing to the Chief Nursing Officer First Trust Reports by April 2009

16 Who will make this happen?


18 Work in rich learning environments Are already participating in some activities that have a supervision impact Realise that investing in small bites of learning has a long term accumulative effect Builds confidence Builds competence Builds on what nurses do every working day

19 Ultimately – Can Supervision Make a Difference? People want safe effective care from nurses Supervision supports the development of competence to provide safe and effective care Nurses need the support of supervision activities to provide safe effective care for people


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