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Amanda Rawlings Director of Human Resources and Organisational Development Skills Pledge.

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Presentation on theme: "Amanda Rawlings Director of Human Resources and Organisational Development Skills Pledge."— Presentation transcript:

1 Amanda Rawlings Director of Human Resources and Organisational Development Skills Pledge

2 Derbyshire County PCT PCT – Commissioning 6 PCT 1 Oct 06 County population of 750,000 Budget of £1bn for 08/09 5,500 staff, 4,700 in Community Services 17 years health inequalities, growing LTC, ex mining, rural and urban setting Community Services 12 community hospitals, 46 locations 48 services £130m budget Inpatient and outpatient – highest users are female 80- 89

3 Workforce Context Becoming World Class Commissioners Developing high Quality Community Services NHS Next Stage Review – A High Quality Workforce NHS Constitution – pledges to staff Annual NHS staff survey Current context

4 Commissioning Tackling the major causes of health inequalities Improving local stroke services Commissioning a primary care mental health service Improving mental health services for older people Ensuring a coordinated end of life service that respects patients wishes Commissioning more support for carers PCT 5 Year Strategic Goals

5 We have 11 Organisational development goals that underpin our 5 year strategic goals to enable us to Become World Class Commissioners, focusing on: Improving knowledge management capacity & skills Improving communications, engagement & reputation management Creating a stimulating work environment Assessing organisational effectiveness & efficiency Developing & implement talent & leadership plans PCT Organisational Development

6 Employing over 4,700 staff across 46 locations, with 12 Community Hospitals in 48 Services Moving to an Autonomous Provider of Services to improve commissioning and delivery of these services Employing a diverse workforce: Allied Health Professionals: e.g Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, Chiropodists Nurses: e.g Health Visitors, District Nurses, Nurses Medical: Dr’s and Dentists Support staff: e.g. Gardeners, Health Care Assistants, Porters, Hotel Services Who will benefit from the Skills Pledge Building Quality Community Services

7 Investment in skills development of the wider workforce (Leitch report) Double the investment in and range of apprenticeships New education & training pathways from education into the NHS (14-19 Diplomas) Changes to regulation Joint Investment Framework (JIF) Skills Pledge commitment High Quality Workforce

8 Four pledges to staff To provide well-designed and rewarding jobs To provide personal development, access to appropriate training for their jobs, and line management support to succeed provide support and opportunities for staff to keep themselves healthy and safe to engage staff in decisions that affect them and the services they provide NHS Constitution

9 Annual survey of staff to ensure we achieve our staff development priorities Our priorities Commitment for all staff to receive an annual appraisal with learning & development plan Improved communications More staff engagement Staff Survey

10 Becoming World Class Commissioners and Developing High Quality Community Services, learning and development is key: Identifying & developing new skills at all levels Creating a stimulating work environment & learning culture Focussing on talent & leadership development Organisational & individual learning & development plans Key Priorities

11 As a Commissioner Commissioning & contracting Data and statistical skills Communications, engagement & reputation management Marketing & systems management Leadership & management Team development Health promotion What skills do we need?

12 As a Provider Access to learning beyond registration Access to CPD – ongoing patient safety and quality of care Leadership & management Team development Access to critical skills: literacy, numeracy, IT and NVQ’s in clinical and non clinical programmes What skills do we need?

13 The JIF plays a critical role in supporting the Skills Pledge and realising the Sector Skills Agreement for Health in the UK A framework for joint planning and co- investment in the development of the health sector workforce skills Overall aim To support health sector employers to meet priority skills needs, improving patient care and the delivery of services Signing the Skills Pledge

14 Joint Investment Funding: Focus on staff bands 1-4 Skills and qualification at levels 2,3,4 plus Apprenticeships and Skills for Life Encompass wider investment by both LSC and sector employers Improve planning and achieve more effective investment Targeting of resources on priority skills needs Derbyshire JIF £472,500 2008/09 What is the Health Sector JIF?

15 Health Regional Skills Alliance – Strategic Steering Group NHS, LSC, SfH, RDA, Job Centre Plus and Unions Inform and influence Sector Skills Agreement National JIF LSC planning and Commissioning process Regional Partnership

16 Joint Investment Framework Skills for Life First Level 2 qualifications Entry into Employment Apprenticeships Partnership Priorities 2008/09

17 Alignment with national and regional policies Greater employer and learner choice Increased responsiveness Greater competition Improved quality Establishing an Apprenticeships First policy Linking priorities with Local Area Agreement delivery plans Darzi next stage review ‘A High Quality Workforce’ Increase in investment in Bands 1-4 Doubling of apprenticeships Commitment to the Skills Pledge by all NHS organisations Contribution to Strategic Priorities

18 11 organisational development priorities Widening Participation in Learning Action Plan encompassing; Working towards a fully qualified workforce Skills for Life Action Plan Base line data on qualifications of support staff Identify with local employers training needs of the Bands 1-4 workforce and provide investment to support them Support recruitment and retention initiatives Promote Level 2 and 3 take up and achievement in line with the Skills Pledge Raise the numbers of apprenticeships in line with Leitch and LSC targets Next steps

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