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Learning processes and assessment: students’ learning in a mandatory course in Teacher Education (PED 3517: “learning processes and assessment”). Cameron.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning processes and assessment: students’ learning in a mandatory course in Teacher Education (PED 3517: “learning processes and assessment”). Cameron."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning processes and assessment: students’ learning in a mandatory course in Teacher Education (PED 3517: “learning processes and assessment”). Cameron Montgomery Professor, Faculty of Education University of Ottawa

2 Plan Objectives Introduction and history Examples Analysis Synthethis Discussion

3 Objectives Identify and present the learning objectives attained in a mandatory Francophone teacher education course (PED 3517: learning processes and assessment) at the Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa.

4 Introduction and history: 3517 39 hours Cohort 30-40 students Primary-junior/intermediary Exploration of fundamental learning concepts; behavioral, cognitivist, socioconstructivist, humanist theories (R. Vienneau, 2005).

5 History Exploration of the steps of school assessment, from planification to the final grade (Comment et pourquoi évaluer, 2005).

6 Targeted skills 1. Identify and describe different learning theories in the course. 2. Consider individual differences when planning or evaluating. 3. Understand, describe, and analyze learning processes.

7 4. Have a critical view of the assessement processes and the instruments used. 5. Choose relevant teaching strategies (used by the teacher) depending on a certain context. 6. Propose relevant learning strategies depending on a certain context. 7. Plan a learning activity and create an assessment activity considering a) theoretical elements covered in the course, b) Ontario Ministry of Education directives, and c) practice chosen by the Ontario College of teachers.

8 Course’s Conceptual Framework

9 Teaching method Synthesis and schematisation

10 1. Lecture 1.1. Relecture 1.2. Understanding + 2. Main ideas 2.1. Secondary ideas + 3. Link between ideas 3.1. Schematisation = Final production Figure 1 : Three steps for synthesizing

11 Method Élaboration of links with practice: 1)Minds of our own (« Can we believe our eyes ») 2)Growing up online 3)Être et avoir.

12 Method Linking learning/assessment through problem based learning: 1)Formative activity # 1 in groups of three (lesson plan) 2)Individual sommative activity # 1 3)Repeat individual sommative activity # 1 4)Individual sommative activity # 2 (formative and sommative assessment within the lesson plan, Ministry of education rubric).

13 Examples Karine Julie Bagdad François

14 Analysis Zone of proximal development = 95% Refusal of one of 3 groups (code of conduct) Rather relevant links (theory/practice) Link learning/assessment difficult to perceive by some but clear to others.

15 Synthesis (+) 90% success rate (A- / A+) Openness towards socioconstructivism Openness towards problem based learning Expression of emotions (loving affirmation) Authentic assessement experienced thus more likely to transfer.

16 Synthesis (challenges) Reaction towards the code of conduct Large group (40) Teaching assistant Due dates (negociation, delays too long) Acivity # 2 (supervision) Resistance (faster than the university).

17 Recommandations What are your suggestions to improve this course?

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