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T HE R IGHTEOUSNESS OF T HOSE Whose Lives Are Ruled By God - 5:17-7:12 Matthew 7:12 T HE G OLDEN R ULE.

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1 T HE R IGHTEOUSNESS OF T HOSE Whose Lives Are Ruled By God - 5:17-7:12 Matthew 7:12 T HE G OLDEN R ULE

2 “ Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets. ” Matthew 7:12

3 “ So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets. ” Matthew 7:12 (ESV)

4 “ You shall not take vengeance, nor bear any grudge against the children of your people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself: I am the LORD. ” Leviticus 19:18

5 “ For the commandments, "You shall not commit adultery," "You shall not murder," "You shall not steal," "You shall not bear false witness," "You shall not covet," and if there is any other commandment, are all summed up in this saying, namely, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself.“ Love does no harm to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfillment of the law. ” Romans 13:9,10

6  The “ Golden Rule ” is one of the best known passages in the Bible  Sadly, it also least practiced by those who know it best!  Actually this rule is the “ rule of love ”  John 13:34,35  1 John 4:7,8 Introduction: Golden Rule of Life and Living

7 ✦ “ A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” {John 13:34,35} The Golden Rule—the Rule of Love

8 ✦ “ Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.” {1 John 4:7,8} The Golden Rule—the Rule of Love

9 9 “ Perhaps the first thing that needs to be noted about the “golden rule” is that it compels us to deal with others by beginning with ourselves. We are not to determine our treatment of other men by looking at them and asking what they deserve, but by starting with ourselves and asking what we would want and need. God’s children are to draw on an innate sense of self-interest in order to treat others graciously and redemptively. How, we must ask, would we want to be treated if we were in the same circumstances that now confronts our fellow man ?” Paul Earnhart, Invitation To A Spiritual Revolution; page 127 Chapter 7—Golden Rule

10  “Might Makes Right Rule”  2 Samuel 11,12  “Don’t Get Involved Rule”  Luke 10:30-37  “Treat Others as they Treat You.”  Luke 6:32  All fail to see the “ spirit ” of the Golden Rule.  Requires one to see the other person’s viewpoint Introduction: Some Modern “Rules”

11 11 “ How then are men to be released from their basic selfishness and freed to see others as they see themselves? By looking first at God. Our fascination with self can only end when we have become fascinated with God. Is not the greatest commandment of all, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart…(Matthew 22:36-39) ? When an absolute love of God has driven out of us an absolute love of self, we will be set free to love others as we love ourselves... ” Paul Earnhart, Invitation To A Spiritual Revolution; page 128 Chapter 7—Golden Rule

12 12 “Until that happens, the kind of overweening self-love which drives most men will preclude our ever being able to look on the interests of others in the same way we look at our own. What this says is that only God can deliver us from ourselves and enable us to love others selflessly. ” Paul Earnhart, Invitation To A Spiritual Revolution; page 128 Chapter 7—Golden Rule

13  Rule of action —Action on our part  2 Peter 1:4  Broad Rule —All acts are included in this rule. It applies to all men—strangers and enemies alike  Matthew 5:44  Based on one’s own self-interest — reasonable and fair  Is Law and the Prophets —total teaching of the Law and prophets Characteristics of this Rule

14  Action— that which we do  Breadth —includes all men and all things  Lucidity —understanding how I want to be treated  Reasonableness —nothing unfair imposed by the rule  Lawful —taught by Christ  1 John 3:17,18  Galatians 6:10  Matthew 25:31-46 Implications of the Rule

15  If I want to be able to trust and confide in a friend —never betray a confidence (no gossiper)  Do I want others not to misquote or mistake my motives? —Get facts straight—go to the person FIRST  Would I like to receive the benefit of the doubt? Then I must not always believe or think the worse of a given situation  Do I want to be ridiculed, embarrassed, or have my feelings hurt? Then I must not do the same at the expense of others! Applying of the Rule

16  Do I want others to offend my conscience? — Must go out of my way not to do the same  Do I want others to treat my family with respect and dignity? —Show the same care and concern for others’ families  Do I desire others to always find fault with my actions? Then I must work hard on not being a constant fault-finder  Do I want others to comfort me when I’m hurting? Then I must be ready to do the same for others. Applying of the Rule

17  If this rule were strictly followed some things would vanish away…  Stereotyping of others  Needless hurt and pain for others  Greatly reduce human relations problems  Strengthen and make happier marriages  Strengthen relationships between brethren  What relationship would not be made better with the application of this rule? Things Removed by Practicing…

18 18 “ Our Father’s mercy and generosity toward us has not been what we deserved, but what we desperately needed. Surely then, those who have received such grace are called upon to deal with others, not on the basis of what they deserve, but what they need. So, Jesus closes the heart of His sermon as He began it—with an appeal for true righteousness which reveals itself in a selfless love for men, a love which rests solidly on God’s gracious love for us. ” Paul Earnhart, Invitation To A Spiritual Revolution; page 128 Chapter 7—Golden Rule

19 One Ruled By God’s Righteousness “The Golden Rule” ✦ Could We Be Failing? ✴ Are We constantly seeking to treat others with love, care and real concern? ✴ Or in our foolish pride - think how we treat others has no effect on one’s standing with His God! ✦ Could We Be Failing? ✴ Are We constantly seeking to treat others with love, care and real concern? ✴ Or in our foolish pride - think how we treat others has no effect on one’s standing with His God!

20 One Ruled By God’s Righteousness “The Golden Rule” ✴ Do we set the proper example in this area for others to follow? ✴ Let us never forget how gracious and merciful God’s actions have been towards us. ✴ Can we do less for those Christ died for? ✴ Do we set the proper example in this area for others to follow? ✴ Let us never forget how gracious and merciful God’s actions have been towards us. ✴ Can we do less for those Christ died for?

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