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Preparing Every Child for the 21 st Century Partnership for 21 st Century Skills AASA National Conference on Education Tampa, Florida February 16, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Preparing Every Child for the 21 st Century Partnership for 21 st Century Skills AASA National Conference on Education Tampa, Florida February 16, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparing Every Child for the 21 st Century Partnership for 21 st Century Skills AASA National Conference on Education Tampa, Florida February 16, 2008 Note: This power point has been modified from presentations done in Tampa and Orlando, Florida at the American Association of School Administrators and from the National School Board Conference 2008. Additional resources have been gathered from the websites Route 21 and from the Partnership for 21st Century Skills website.

2 Introduction to 21 st Century Framework for Banks Elementary School Professional Development Program Lenoir County Public Schools Presented By Tezella G. Cline January 5, 2010

3 Overview This session will introduce participants to the 21st Century Framework. Participants will learn the importance of infusing 21st Century skills into the curriculum and into their work as well as identify resources to support their learning.

4 Assess Background Knowledge (Circle Map – Defining in Context) 21 st Century Framework What do you know already? How did you know? Where did your knowledge come from?

5 The Future Change New Contexts New Job Skills Voter Attitudes Global Citizenship Our future is characterized by… How would you complete this statement? Warm up…

6 Outcomes To promote high academic achievement for all students to become Globally Competitive To increase knowledge about 21st Century Framework among teachers, administrators, and others To facilitate the infusion of the 21st Century Skills into all aspects of our work To become aware of useful 21 st Century resources

7 Objectives Participants will… discover where, when, and how the 21st Century Partnership started analyze the components of the 21st Century Framework and its importance read about and discuss key 21st Century initiatives in North Carolina identify specific next steps in processing and infusing 21st Century skills

8 1.When, how, and why did this ‘movement’ start? (21 st Century Partnership) 2.Who makes up the Partnership? (members) 3.What is the Framework for 21 st Century Skills? 4.Why are 21 st Century / Future Ready Skills so important? 5.What must we do? Key Questions

9 Introduction to 21 st Century 1. When, how, and why did this ‘movement’ start? (21st Century Partnership)

10 Historical Perspective (Flow Map – Sequencing and Ordering) 21 st Century Framework

11 Since 2002, the Partnership for 21st Century Skills has been working with states and communities to reinvigorate learning to meet the demands of the 21st century. Based on this work, the Partnership believes there are seven strategies for a successful statewide 21st Century Skills Initiative: 1.High-profile leadership 2.Broad consensus and a shared vision 3.Ongoing professional development in 21st century skills 4.Standards and curriculum aligned with 21st century skills 5.21st century assessments 6.An effective communications strategy 7.An aggressive implementation strategy 2002

12 The Partnership for 21st Century Skills The Partnership for 21st Century Skills is the leading advocacy organization focused on infusing 21st century skills into education. The organization brings together the business community, education leaders and policymakers to define a powerful vision for 21st century education to ensure every child’s success as citizens and workers in the 21st century. The Partnership encourages schools, districts and states to advocate for the infusion of 21st century skills into education and provides tools and resources to help facilitate and drive change.

13 2002 Partnership was started (advocacy group focused on infusing 21st century skills into education) Business community Education leaders policymakers Fill in your first event in your sequence map.

14 21 st Century in North Carolina In 2005, Governor Mike Easley launched the nation’s first Center for 21st Century Skills. The Center is focused on improving North Carolina’s education system to ensure that students graduate with the skills needed for success in the global economy. The Center is located in the North Carolina Business Committee for Education. It is a public- private partnership that works actively with business leaders, educators and policymakers to create new curricula, new assessments, and new ways to align classroom teaching and learning outcomes with 21st century workforce readiness skills. The Center is bringing together current innovative reform efforts as well as implementing new ones to develop meaningful assessments and curricula that reflect the knowledge necessary for success in the 21st century. The Center is also working to improve and expand professional development for educators that focuses on 21st century skills.

15 2005 NC Gov. Mike Easley joined partnership. Focus on improving NC ed. System to ensure students graduate with the skills needed for success in the global econ. Development of workforce readiness skills North Carolina State Board of Education - New Mission… “Every public school student will graduate from high school, globally competitive for work and postsecondary education and prepared for life in the 21st Century.” 2006

16 So… Respond to these key questions… How would you describe the beginning of the “21 st Century Movement” in your own words? Who/ What fields does it involve? Center for 21 st Century Skills… century-learning Think- Pair-Share

17 Introduction to 21 st Century Who makes up this Partnership? (members)

18 Who is the Partnership? A unique partnership between business, education and policymakers With support from the U.S. Department of Education

19 P21 Members

20 The Partnership is a catalyst to define and promote a powerful vision for: 21 st Century Citizens 21 st Century Workers 21 st Century Education Who is the Partnership? What connections do you see with STEM?

21 What might life look like in 2068? We need to be ready for the 21 st Century!

22 Are we ready? /bcpid1351827287/bctid14706015001

23 Introduction to 21 st Century Why are 21st Century / Future Ready Skills so important? Get Ready to Move! Gallery Walk to Examine the Data…

24 Gallery Walk Based on the data that you collect… What is significant to you? Why? What are the areas of need? What are the implications for us? Why are the 21 st century skills so important? What can you do starting today?

25 Why are 21 st century skills so important? Examine the data and respond… What does data suggest? What questions do you have? How/ why is this relevant for your students? What can you do to address this? Be ready to respond as a group.

26 Why are 21 st century skills so important? There are new 21 st Century Contexts Global Competition Global Cooperation Information Growth More Jobs & Careers Service Economy

27 Global Competition: ●Global Awareness ●Self-Direction Global Cooperation: ●Global Awareness ●Collaboration ●Information & Communication Technology (ICT) Literacy Information Growth: ●Information Literacy ●Critical Thinking ●Problem Solving More Jobs & Careers: ●Critical Thinking & Problem Solving ●Innovation & Improvement ●Flexibility & Adaptability Growing Service Economy: ●Communication Skills ●Life and Career Awareness Skills New ContextSkills Required

28 What skills are most important for job success when hiring a high school graduate? Work Ethic80% Collaboration75% Good Communication70% Social Responsibility63% Critical Thinking & Problem Solving58% Why are 21 st century skills so important?

29 Of the four-year graduates you recently hired, how do they rate? 63.4 56.4 64.6 67.3 65.4 9.0 27.8 18.6 8.1 9.8 16.8Professional/Work Ethic 27.6Critical Thinking/Problem Solving 15.8Written Communication 24.6Collaboration 24.8Oral Communication DeficientExcellent Adequate Why are 21 st century skills so important?

30 Of the high school students that you recently hired, what were their deficiencies? Written Communication81% Leadership73% Work Ethic70% Critical Thinking & Problem Solving70% Self-Direction58% Why are 21 st century skills so important?

31 What applied skills and basic knowledge are most important for those you will hire with a four-year college diploma? Oral Communication95.4% Collaboration94.4% Professional/Work Ethic93.8% Written Communication93.1% Critical Thinking/Problem Solving93.1% Why are 21 st century skills so important?

32 What skills and content areas will be growing in importance in the next five years? Critical Thinking78% I.T.77% Health & Wellness76% Collaboration74% Innovation74% Personal Financial Responsibility72% Why are 21 st century skills so important?

33 Global Competition: ●Global Awareness ●Self-Direction Global Cooperation: ●Global Awareness ●Collaboration ●Information & Communication Technology (ICT) Literacy Information Growth: ●Information Literacy ●Critical Thinking ●Problem Solving More Jobs & Careers: ●Critical Thinking & Problem Solving ●Innovation & Improvement ●Flexibility & Adaptability Growing Service Economy: ●Communication Skills ●Life and Career Awareness Skills New ContextSkills Required

34 The requirements of the workforce are changing… Why are 21 st century skills so important? Therefore… We must change with the world.

35 Introduction to 21 st Century What is the Framework for 21 st Century? Get ready to write! Fill in your “ Rainbow ”

36 21 st Century Framework A shared vision for 21 st Century student success has been developed for the new global economy. (21CF) National leaders saw the need to make better connections.

37 21 st Century Framework Core Subjects (12) 21 st Century Themes (4)

38 21 st Century Skills Framework Standards and Assessments Curriculum and Instruction Professional Development Learning Environments Student Outcomes 21 st Century Supports

39 21 st Century Skills Framework Core Subjects -Economics -English -Government -Arts -History -Geography -Reading or Language Arts -Mathematics -Science -World Languages -Civics 21 st Century Themes - Global Awareness - Financial, Economic, Business & Entrepreneurship Literacy - Civic Literacy - Health Literacy

40 21 st Century Skills Framework Life & Career Skills Flexibility & Adaptability Initiative & Self-Direction Social & Cross-Cultural Skills Productivity & Accountability Leadership & Responsibility

41 Learning & Innovation Skills Critical Thinking & Problem Solving Creativity & Innovation Communication & Collaboration 21 st Century Skills Framework

42 Information, Media & Technology Skills Information Literacy Media Literacy ICT (Information, Communications & Technology) Literacy

43 Resources and New Standards These will take effect in 2011? ● The recently approved Essential Standards for Information and Technology Skills for K–5, 6–8, and 9–12 at ● The STANDARD COURSE OF STUDY for Information Skills at ation/scos/infoskills.pdf ● The STANDARD COURSE OF STUDY for COMPUTER/TECHNOLOGY SKILLS— Objectives Organized by Grade Level— at lls/scos/ ation/scos/ lls/scos/

44 Information and Technology Skills (DPI) Website Grades K-5 (pdf, 119kb)pdf, 119kb Grades 6-8 (pdf, 63kb)pdf, 63kb Grades 9-12 (pdf, 33kb)pdf, 33kb

45 WHAT ARE THE ESSENTIAL STANDARDS? Defining essential standards for K-12 is the key foundation of the Accountability Curriculum Reform Effort. The essential standards will be those skills, understandings and learning experiences that a student must master at each grade level to move to the next grade level. Essential standards are the "must have" goals of the curriculum and will help teachers focus on the higher-order knowledge and skills that all students should master. This should resolve the "inch-deep and mile-wide" concern about North Carolina's current Standard Course of Study and ensure that every student learns essential content and skills for the 21st Century. For more on the mandate from the North Carolina State Board of Education to move to an Essential Standards Model, please read the Framework For Change (pdf, 3.4mb).pdf, 3.4mb North Carolina Standard Course of Study Essential Standards Format A key part of the ACRE work is defining the essential standards that need to be taught to students in North Carolina public schools. This chart shows the progression from the prior Standard Course of Study with its many standards to the new Standard Course of Study which identifies the essential knowledge that all students must master for success in a global economy. (ppt, 143kb)ppt, 143kb

46 Resources Chart showing the Bloom’s verbs -chart.pdf -chart.pdf The CyberSmart! Student Curriculum addresses Internet- related information literacy, online safety and security, acceptable use, and other topics. hp?cookie_set=2 hp?cookie_set=2


48 ontent&task=view&id=254&Itemid=119

49 21st Century Skills in North Carolina Key Ongoing 21st Century Initiatives Learn and Earn North Carolina Teacher Working Conditions Survey North Carolina Graduation Project

50 21st Century Skills in North Carolina Key Ongoing 21st Century In Initiatives Learn and Earn Named among the top 50 programs in the 2008 Students attend a high school located on a college campus They earn a high school diploma and finish with two years of college or an associate degree, at no cost to the student. Currently there are 42 Learn and Earn high schools across the state by 2008-09, there will be 63 such schools.

51 21st Century Skills in North Carolina Key Ongoing 21st Century In Initiatives North Carolina Teacher Working Conditions Survey This survey gathers the views of the state’s teaching professionals Used to help develop policy, strengthen classroom working conditions and improve the learning environment for students The 2008 survey received responses from more than 87 percent of the 120,000 teachers and administrators working in the state.


53 21st Century Skills in North Carolina Key Ongoing 21st Century In Initiatives North Carolina Graduation Project Requires high school students to demonstrate what they know and are able to do as a result of their cumulative education Supports students as they discover interests and make connections with the real world Encourages business partners to participate in student job shadowing experiences

54 New 21st Century Skills Initiatives North Carolina Professional Educator Standards and Evaluation System The North Carolina State Board of Education (SBE) approved North Carolina Professional Educator Evaluation System This System is based on the NC Standards for Superintendents, the NC Standards for School Executives and the NC Professional Teaching Standards. Tools to support use of new instrument from NTC rd%20Coaching-Based%20Evaluations.htm

55 Introduction to 21 st Century Why are these 21 st Century Skills and Standards important to you?

56 North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards Why are these Standards important to you? The North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards are the basis for teacher preparation, teacher evaluation, and professional development. Colleges and universities are changing their programs; a new teacher evaluation instrument has been created; and professional development is taking on a new look based on these Standards. Each of these include the skills and knowledge needed for the 21st century teaching and learning.

57 New State Goals… North Carolina State Board of Education Goals North Carolina Public Schools will produce globally competitive students Schools will be led by 21 st Century professionals Students will be healthy and responsible Leadership will guide innovation in NC public schools Schools will be governed and supported by 21 st century systems cle&id=58&Itemid=17 cle&id=58&Itemid=17

58 Key components: Leadership Relationships Rigor in content Relevant instruction that engages students Reflection on practice

59 Historical Perspective (Flow Map – Sequencing and Ordering) 21 st Century Framework NC Gov. Mike Easley joined partnership. Focus on improving NC ed. System to ensure students graduate with the skills needed for success in the global econ. Development of workforce readiness skills Board approved new teaching standards New Evaluation Instrument for teachers and administrators developed 2007 NC implements new evaluation instrument for teachers and principals. Principals are using theirs now and teachers will be trained in 2009 2008 2006 North Carolina State Board of Education New Mission… “Every public school student will graduate from high school, globally competitive for work and postsecondary education and prepared for life in the 21st Century.” 2005 Partnership was started (advocacy group focused on infusing 21st century skills into education) Business community Education leaders policymakers 2002

60 Our Task… To address all critical components of educational reform and improvement while focusing on local school needs: LCPS Mission & Goals Preparing all students to be competitive and productive citizens in a global economy 1.Attain high academic achievement for all students 2.Provide safe and orderly learning environments 3.Attract, retain, and develop an exceptional workforce 4.Provide excellent school facilities that are conducive to teaching and learning 5.Increase collaboration and partnerships with the community 6.Ensure fiscal responsibility and equity Nov. 23, 2009

61 LCPS Goals for 21 st Century Goal 1- Attain High Academic Achievement For All Students to Become Globally Competitive Goal 2- Attract, Retain, and Develop 21st Century Professionals Goal 3- Provide Safe and Orderly Learning Environments to Develop Healthy and Responsible Students Goal 4- Provide Leadership for Innovation Goal 5- Provide Engaging Learning Environments Governed and Supported by 21st Century Systems New Language in SIP Templates and in our goals…

62 Introduction to 21 st Century What must we do? Review handout and reflect… What do I do currently to promote each indicator? What must we do to promote this new vision…

63 Open ourselves to learning… Change Remain open to continuous learning… Think flexibly Be persistent Think in creative and innovative ways Take responsible risks Think and work interdependentlly

64 Tools and Resources The Partnership for 21st Century Skills offers various tools and resources to assist educators in integrating 21st century skills into education. Our tools were developed through a comprehensive process involving hundreds of educators, researchers and employers across the country.

65 How do I learn more about 21 st century skills?

66 Route 21 Route 21: The goal of Route 21 is to provide an online interactive tool that demonstrates how 21st century skills can be supported through standards, professional development, assessments and curriculum and instruction.Route 21

67 Assess21: Assess 21 is a Web-based repository for information on assessments of 21st century skills. This repository is designed to serve as a central hub for background information on 21st century skills assessments as they become available and is open to submissions. The goal of Assess21 is to highlight what assessments are available as well as make visible where particular gaps in the assessment of 21st century content and skill domains exist.Assess21 Partnership for 21 st Century Skills

68 Online Assessment Online Mileguide Assessment States, districts, schools and education leaders must focus on adopting a new, 21st century framework for teaching and learning that better prepares students for the realities of work and life in the 21st century. The Milestones for Improving Learning and Education (MILE) Guide for 21st Century Skills, is a framework for action that enables educators and administrators to assess where their schools stand in implementing 21st century skills and to identify specific strategies for improvement. The Partnership created a Mile Guide Online Assessment to help educators and administrators gauge their school's effectiveness in integrating 21st century skills into the learning process. The 23 question assessment will help you measure the progress of your school or district in defining, teaching and assessing 21st century skills. As a result of the Online Assessment, you can initiate discussions with staff, administrators, technology directors, school board members and community leaders about improving your school's plans for 21st century skills. Click here to take the online questionnaire. Click here to take the online questionnaire.

69 Partnership for 21st Century Skills MILE Guide: The Partnership for 21st Century Skills developed the Milestones for Improving Learning and Education (MILE) Guide for 21st Century Skills to assist educators and administrators in measuring the progress of their schools in defining, teaching and assessing 21st Century Skills. Here you will find links to downloads, the MILE Guide online assessment and the MILE Guide workshop.MILE Guide LE_Guide_Chart.pdf

70 What else? Become a 21 st Century Learner Ask questions Seek answers… research Take risks Share ideas Participate in PLCs Make presentations Create new ways… Endless possibilities exist!

71 Are we ready? /bcpid1351827287/bctid14706015001

72 Are our students ready for the new global economy? Conclusion

73 Are YOU ready for the new global economy? Conclusion 21 st Century Teaching and Learning starts with you!

74 Conclusion Are our students critical thinkers and problem solvers? Are our students globally aware? Are our students self-directed? Are our students good collaborators?

75 Are our students information and technology literate? Are our students flexible and adaptable? Are our students innovative? Are our students effective communicators? Conclusion

76 Follow Up Visit… (expert example) My site…(beginner) Homework: View and read the documents Post a discussion thread related to 21 st Century topic –Give me a name you plan to use so I will know you have posted Complete the session evaluation

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