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Recordkeeping MODULE 8. 2©2006 TEEX OSHA Information Resources  OSHA Recordkeeping page (cached) OSHA Recordkeeping page(cached)  Forms (PDF and XLS)

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Presentation on theme: "Recordkeeping MODULE 8. 2©2006 TEEX OSHA Information Resources  OSHA Recordkeeping page (cached) OSHA Recordkeeping page(cached)  Forms (PDF and XLS)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Recordkeeping MODULE 8

2 2©2006 TEEX OSHA Information Resources  OSHA Recordkeeping page (cached) OSHA Recordkeeping page(cached)  Forms (PDF and XLS) Forms  Also in back of CFR book  Recordkeeping Handbook Recordkeeping Handbook

3 3©2006 TEEX 29 CFR 1904.0 Purpose  “Require employers to record and report work-related fatalities, injuries and illnesses”  Data used to direct OSHA programs  Data used in employer safety programs  Aggregated in BLS Annual Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses

4 4©2006 TEEX Scope  1904.1 Exemption for  10 employees  In entire company, at any time during year  Unless OSHA or BLS requires in writing  Must report fatality or  3 hospitalized  1904.2 Exemption for certain industries  Low hazard industries by SIC codeSIC  1904.3 Records for  1 agency

5 5©2006 TEEX Definitions  1904.46  The Act  Establishment  Injury or illness  Physician or Other Licensed Health Care Professional  You

6 6©2006 TEEX 1904.4 Recording Criteria  Record each fatality, injury, or illness:  Work related (1904.5) and  New case (1904.6) and  Meets criteria in 1904.7-12

7 Subtitles & Transitions FOR EXAMPLE… Did the employee experience an injury or illness? Is the injury or illness work-related?Is the injury or illness a new case? Does the injury or illness meet the general criteria or the application to specific cases? RECORD THE INJURY OR ILLNESS YES NO UPDATE PREVIOUS RECORD

8 8©2006 TEEX 1904.5 Work-Relatedness  Basic requirement: (a)  Implementation: (b)  Work environment?  At work but not work-related?  Significantly aggravated?  Pre-existing condition?  Travel status?  Working at home?

9 9©2006 TEEX 1904.6 New Cases  Basic requirement:  No previously recorded similar case, or  Recovered completely.  Implementation:  Recurrence of chronic illness?  First signs/symptoms?  Physician advice?

10 10©2006 TEEX 1904.7 Recording Criteria  Basic requirement: results in  Death  Days away from work  Restricted work or job transfer  Medical treatment beyond first aid  Loss of consciousness  Significant diagnosed injury or illness  Implementation / Questions

11 11©2006 TEEX 1904.8 Needlesticks and Sharps  Record if contaminated with  Blood or  Potentially Infectious Material  Do not record employee’s name

12 12©2006 TEEX 1904.9 Medical Removal  Record medical removals under other OSHA standards  Not if removed voluntarily before overexposure

13 13©2006 TEEX 1904.10 Hearing Loss  Work-related STS in at least 1 ear  Total hearing 25 dB above audiometric zero in same ear(s)

14 14©2006 TEEX 1904.29 Forms  300 Log, 300-A Summary, 301 Incident Report  Equivalent forms  Privacy concern cases  Voluntary disclosure

15 15©2006 TEEX 1904.30 Multiple Business Establishments  Separate logs if in operation  1 year  May combine short-term on one log  May keep centrally if promptly updated and available  Each employee linked with an establishment  Record at location of occurrence

16 16©2006 TEEX 1904.31 Covered Employees  All on payroll, any status  Non-payroll employees if supervised day to day  Owner/partners not included

17 17©2006 TEEX 1904.32 Annual Summary  Review at end of calendar year  Certify and post annual summary  300-A or equivalent form

18 18©2006 TEEX 1904.33 Retention and Updating  Save all forms for 5 years  Update for new discoveries or changes  1904.34: Transfer to new owner

19 19©2006 TEEX 1904.35 Employee Involvement  Inform each employee of how to report  Provide employees limited access to records  1904.36 Prohibition against discrimination

20 20©2006 TEEX Equivalent systems  1904.37 State recordkeeping regulations  1904.38 Variances from recordkeeping rule for alternative system

21 21©2006 TEEX 1904.39 Reporting fatalities and multiple hospitalizations  Orally report within 8 hours of death or hospitalization of  3 employees

22 22©2006 TEEX Providing records to government  1904.40 Provide within 4 hours or authorized government representative request  1904.41 Return annual survey form if received  1904.42 Return BLS survey form if received

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