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S OUTH A SIA UNGEI A NNUAL R EPORT 2010 H IGHLIGHT C OUNTRY : PAKISTAN UNGEI Global Advisory Committee Meeting (Paris, 31 January 2011) Raka Rashid Regional.

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1 S OUTH A SIA UNGEI A NNUAL R EPORT 2010 H IGHLIGHT C OUNTRY : PAKISTAN UNGEI Global Advisory Committee Meeting (Paris, 31 January 2011) Raka Rashid Regional Focal Point






7 Population 169,708,303

8 1. K EY PROGRESS AND ACHIEVEMENTS Outcome areas Progress and achievements I. Advocacy for gender sensitive policy development Policy Brief on addressing gender concerns in access to education in the flood emergency-scaling up Policy Brief on Gender biases in Curriculum Documentary on gender dimensionsof missing infrastructure in Punjab Result of 3 years of sustained advocacy – launch of the Pakistan Girls’ Education Initiative (PGEI) II. Knowledge building and sharing of best practices Web portal Gender in ducation Focus group discussions on disparity in enrolment Annotated Bibliography of Research on Gender in Education in Pakistan Voices from the field III. Mechanisms for effective partnership in favor of gender equality in education WG in Education - Sindh, Balochistan,Punjab,KP, AJK – building from the provinces to the national partnership 250 plus partners -- academia, research think tanks, civil society org., media, parliamentarians, depts of education in the provinces Media clusters, newest member – girl guides assoc. Parliamentarian Caucus in making

9 2. M AIN CHALLENGES AND ISSUES Outcome areas Challenges and issues I. Advocacy for gender sensitive policy development Gender stereotypes Frequent changes in government leadership Gender not a top priority II. Knowledge building and sharing of best practices Lack of knowledge sharing culture III. Mechanisms for effective partnership in favor of gender equality in education Lack of coordination among the partners The initiative was launched through a DFID funded project ‘Gender in Education Policy Support Project’ that will be completed in June 2011.Need for hand holding as the demand has been created but the government ownership needs further investments in terms of time and resources.

10 3. O PPORTUNITIES AND WAY FORWARD Outcome areasOpportunities and way forward I. Advocacy for gender sensitive policy development Political commitment of the govt. Role of electronic and print media Interest of the parliamentarians Involvement of youth in addressing gender concerns in enrolment and retention II. Knowledge building and sharing of best practices Knowledge sharing with partners Knowledge generation in collaboration with PGEI partners Formation of networks among the working groups in the provinces III. Mechanisms for effective partnership in favor of gender equality in education Involvement of Parliamentarians in addressing gender concerns Involvement of media Government ownership inclusion of line ministries Bottom up approach - positive implication under ongoing de- centralisation, partnership already exists in several provinces

11 A N EMERGING TREND IN THE REGION Shrinking space for the “moderate voice” Pakistan Maldives Afghanistan (ongoing dialogues and women’s participation)

12 H OW CAN THE GAC HELP ? Support and strengthen civil society organisations including religious leaders as a strategy Broaden scope of engagement with young people as partners More pro-active role in the partnership (joint activities, advocacy, speaking as one, financial support where needed)


14 14 © UNICEF/NYHQ2009-0525/Marta Ramoneda

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