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100 300 200 400 300 500 400 500 400 300 200 PeopleFacts MISC.

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2 100 300 200 400 300 500 400 500 400 300 200 PeopleFacts MISC

3 Into what Texas city did foreign immigrants enter Texas? Galveston

4 What was the effect of the McKinley Tariff? The government had a deficit in the budget.

5 What was Tammany Hall? a political machine

6 14 th Amendment What did the Supreme Court overturn to allow legalized segregation?

7 What was the first paid baseball team? Cincinnati Red Stockings

8 What term means to give a government job to supporters of the winning candidate? patronage

9 What were writers called who wrote and published truthful articles involving social issues? Muckrakers

10 Who wrote about stopping lynchings, thought people needed trials if they were accused of a crime, got run out of town, and lost her teaching job? Ida B. Wells

11 From where did more than half of all immigrants in the U.S. come in by 1900? eastern & southern Europe

12 held until healthy or sent back to their homeland What happened to immigrants who arrived at Ellis Island in bad health?

13 political machines What was the main power source in big city governments in the Gilded Age?

14 disenfranchisement What term means to take away someone’s legal rights or privileges?

15 1-8 What grades did schools in the Gilded Age cover?

16 Chinese What group was hurt most by the Immigration Act of 1882?

17 William McKinley Who was the Republican president that was elected in 1896 with his “front porch” campaign and being against silver coinage?

18 W.E.B. DuBois Who wrote Souls of Black Folk” and helped found the NAACP?

19 able to learn English, have a skill, can adapt to American culture, & settled near their ethnic group Name 4 factors that determined how well immigrants adjusted to life in the U.S.

20 William “Boss” Tweed Who ran the most successful political machine in New York?

21 Individualism What term represents the belief that regardless of background, you can still rise in society?

22 France From what countries did we get vaudeville shows with animal acts, dancing, gymnastics, & acrobatics?

23 Andrew Carnegie Who built colleges and libraries and got rich creating U.S. Steel?

24 to allow people to live further from the jobs and still work in the city Why were the first subways developed?

25 The courts were responsible for enforcing the law. Why was the Sherman Antitrust Act not very effective at first?

26 Social Darwinism What term represents the belief that society progresses when the fittest people succeed?

27 to stop Chinese from immigrating to the U.S. Why did the Workman’s Party of California form?

28 Better plumbing, electricity, jobs, entertainment, running water Name 3 reasons why farmers moved to urban areas in the 1800s.

29 Mark Twain What writer coined the term “The Gilded Age”?

30 Halfbreeds What were Republican reformers called that opposed the spoils system?

31 Jane Addams Who was the social reformer who opened Hull House to help poor immigrants get medical care, child care, and English classes?

32 by appealing to poor whites and blacks How did Populists hope to beat Democrats in the South?

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