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Crossing the Bridge Day 3 Heidi Elmoustakim & Eileen Hartwell Secondary Literacy Specialists.

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Presentation on theme: "Crossing the Bridge Day 3 Heidi Elmoustakim & Eileen Hartwell Secondary Literacy Specialists."— Presentation transcript:

1 Crossing the Bridge Day 3 Heidi Elmoustakim & Eileen Hartwell Secondary Literacy Specialists

2 Access E-packet To access resources for today’s training, please visit:

3 This is what I get…. Choose a projected outline to trace. Use the materials on your tables to create a visual representation of a student that walks into your classroom at the beginning of the school year. Think about details related to academics, adolescent issues, intellectual/cognitive abilities, background, challenges, gifts, strengths, and anything else your group can imagine. Be prepared to share out 5 details from your creation to the whole group in 10 minutes.

4 This is what I get….

5 Webb’s Depth of Knowledge

6 Webb’s DOK … 1. focuses on the cognitive demand required to successfully complete an assessment/task. 2. focuses on the context of the “verb” 3. focuses on the depth of thought required

7 Webb’s Depth of Knowledge Level 1 Recall Recall of a fact, information or procedure Level 2 Skill/Concept Use information or conceptual knowledge, two or more steps, etc. Level 3 Strategic Thinking Requires reasoning, developing a plan or sequence of steps, some complexity, more than one possible answer Level 4 Extended Thinking Requires an investigation, time to think and process multiple conditions of the problem

8 Webb’s Depth of Knowledge Sample Tasks Level 1 Recall- list the names of the characters in a story and identify the setting Level 2 Skill/Concept- explain the cause and effect relationships of key events in a story Level 3 Strategic Thinking- Assess the effectiveness of literary elements (plot, setting, conflict, point of view…) in a story Level 4 Extended Thinking- Analyze and explain a conflict in the story from the perspective of two or more characters

9 Webb’s Depth of Knowledge Activity- Page 1 of e-packet 1.Use the link on the Webb’s DOK page of your e-packet. 2.At your table, create a task for each level of Webb’s DOK that could accompany this passage. 3. For each performance task: -write a brief explanation about why you placed it on that level -write a list of the skills necessary to complete the task You can type your notes for this activity in the provided chart on page 2 of the e-packet.

10 Text Complexity 3 Part Model for Evaluating Text Complexity 1.Quantitative Measures 2.Qualitative Criteria 3.Relationship among reader/task/text

11 Text Complexity Quantitative Measures - use specific formulas to calculate complexity based on word length & frequency and/or sentence length & structure - Flesch-Kincaid- can be determined in a MS Word file -Lexile- DPS’s current protocol

12 Text Complexity Qualitative Criteria - uses professional/ reader judgment to consider all of the following factors: (relative to individual readers/scenarios) 1.Levels of Meaning (literary texts) or Purpose (informational texts). 2.Structure. 3.Language Conventionality and Clarity. 4.Knowledge Demands.

13 Text Complexity Assessing relationship among reader/task/text - uses teacher’s unique perspective to balance reader capacity, specific purpose of reading and specific text -readers do not advance their reading skills according to any one qualitative or quantitative measure

14 Text Complexity Activity- Page 3 of the e-packet 1.Use the link on the Text Complexity page in your e-packet. Read the sample passage that best matches your grade level. 2.As you read, make notes about your initial impressions about why that passage was placed in the grade level range it was. 3.Read the annotation chart under your passage (pages 11-14) and discuss at your table. Be ready to share out. You can type your notes for reading and discussion for this activity right at the bottom of page 3 of the e-packet.

15 3 Key Shifts in Literacy Instruction 1.Regular practice with complex texts featuring domain specific vocabulary 2.Use of content rich non-fiction and informational texts to build knowledge 3.Active reading and process writing grounded in textual evidence

16 3 Key Shifts in Literacy Instruction Activity- Jigsaw- Page 4 of e-packet 1.Count off by three at your table. 2.Use the links on the 3 Key Shifts in Literacy Instruction page of your e-packet to explore your assigned shift. 3.Be ready to report back to your table mates. 4.Be ready to report out to the whole group. You can type your notes for this activity right on page 5 of the e-packet.

17 BREAK! When you return from break, sit in your building PLCs.

18 Common Core PLC Work Session GOALS: Gain familiarity with the CCSS documents available online Gain familiarity with the DPI CCSS support tools available online- particularly the crosswalks Discover and discuss the gaps/differences between the NCSCOS & the CCSS Identify 5 of those gaps/differences as focus areas for your work session Catalog, discover, develop, steal, cannibalize ideas to address these 5 focus areas

19 Accessing Common Core Documents Common Core State Standards Initiative Page 6-7 of e-packet Home Page Background and research available The Standards (upper right hand corner) Appendices Standards PDF documents

20 Document Organization Common Core Literacy Standards Strand Cluster Standard


22 RL8.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone, including analogies or allusions to other texts. Reading Literature Grade 8 Standard SL9-10.4 Speaking & Listening **Grades 9-10 Standard Present information, findings, and supporting evidence clearly, concisely, and logically such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization, development, substance, and style are appropriate to purpose, audience, and task.

23 ACRE Website Access ACRE- NC Common Core Instructional Support Tools Page 8 of e-packet Unpacking Standards Crosswalks Text Exemplar Documents

24 Common Core PLC Work Session 1.Gain familiarity with the CCSS documents available online 2.Gain familiarity with the DPI CCSS support tools available online- particularly the crosswalks 3.Discover and discuss the gaps/differences between the NCSCOS & the CCSS 4.Identify 5 of those gaps/differences as focus areas for your work session 5.Catalog, discover, develop, steal, cannibalize ideas to address these 5 focus areas

25 Training Session Evaluation 1.Use the link in your E-packet 2.Log into My learning Plan 3.Complete the evaluation for this workshop. If you do not complete the evaluation, you can not receive your CEUs for today’s session!

26 Homework Complete the survey according to the instructions in your e-packet. Complete by March 10 th Access through the link on your e-packet. OR Access through the DPS 9-12 English Wiki

27 Resources Webb, Norman L. “Alignment, Depth of Knowledge, & Change.”,Wisconsin Center for Education Research, 2005.

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