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Skiing for all. Ski walker For participants who can stand, but are unsteady Use with –Tethers –Ski bra –Binder bar.

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Presentation on theme: "Skiing for all. Ski walker For participants who can stand, but are unsteady Use with –Tethers –Ski bra –Binder bar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Skiing for all

2 Ski walker For participants who can stand, but are unsteady Use with –Tethers –Ski bra –Binder bar

3 For stabilization of sit down and stand up skiers Ski flips up with pull of string “Brakes” on back of ski Outriggers

4 2, 3, and 4- tracking Stand up outriggers used by: Single arm and/or leg amputees or with limited leg use Ski bra and tethers used by four trackers

5 Bi-ski For skiers with limited or no arm use Can two point or two rein tether

6 Bi- ski on tethers

7 Let’s ride! No arm or leg use If some arm movement participant can drive it like a car Participant can be “two pointed”

8 Bi-ski Fixed outriggers allow participant to lean for turns Requires use of core muscles, little arm use Often tethered

9 Blockers in front Guide in back calling turns e.g. Give me a left, give me a right Visually impaired ski with guides

10 Monoski Little or no lower body use Full upper body use Good Balance Greatest eventual freedom of sit skis Single tether for speed check only

11 Lack balance Have arm use, Want independence, Tether as speed check only Mainly in Europe so far Kartski

12 Yes even snow boarding! Uses a single tether as a speed check Often a second facing participant to stabilize –Second needs to be very strong

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