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Cogongrass Imperata cylindrica (L.) Beauv. Poaceae.

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Presentation on theme: "Cogongrass Imperata cylindrica (L.) Beauv. Poaceae."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cogongrass Imperata cylindrica (L.) Beauv. Poaceae

2 Biology Native to southeast AsiaNative to southeast Asia Infests nearly 500 million acres worldwide, on every continent, except AntarcticaInfests nearly 500 million acres worldwide, on every continent, except Antarctica Tropical and subtropical areas, limited spread to northern temperate regionsTropical and subtropical areas, limited spread to northern temperate regions Accidental (1911 – Mobile, AL) and intentional (1921 – Mississippi, 1930 - Florida) introductionsAccidental (1911 – Mobile, AL) and intentional (1921 – Mississippi, 1930 - Florida) introductions

3 Background Economic Uses Cultivated as a forage in central and north FloridaCultivated as a forage in central and north Florida Poor nutritional qualityPoor nutritional quality

4 Distribution Found throughout much of FloridaFound throughout much of Florida Commonly found in disturbed areas, upland forests, rights-of-way, pine plantations, mining sites and abandoned areasCommonly found in disturbed areas, upland forests, rights-of-way, pine plantations, mining sites and abandoned areas Highly adapted to poor soils, drought, pyrogenic ecosystemsHighly adapted to poor soils, drought, pyrogenic ecosystems

5 Cogongrass Distribution in Florida

6 Impacts Category 1 invasive species (FLEPPC)Category 1 invasive species (FLEPPC) –Very aggressive spread into undisturbed sites Strong competitor, forms large monotypic stands, alters ecosystems due to fire adaptation (frequency and intensity)Strong competitor, forms large monotypic stands, alters ecosystems due to fire adaptation (frequency and intensity) Becoming a major problem in rangelandBecoming a major problem in rangeland Allelopathy, deterring growth of neighboring plantsAllelopathy, deterring growth of neighboring plants

7 Identification

8 Mature Plant Perennial grass, 2 to 6 feet tallPerennial grass, 2 to 6 feet tall Extensive rhizome systemExtensive rhizome system Successful in low light environmentsSuccessful in low light environments Forms large monoculturesForms large monocultures

9 Leaves Leaf blades - 2 to 6 feet long, ½ to ¾ inch wideLeaf blades - 2 to 6 feet long, ½ to ¾ inch wide Leaves originate from ground level, rhizomeLeaves originate from ground level, rhizome Prominent, off-center midribProminent, off-center midrib Finely serrated margins, accumulates silicaFinely serrated margins, accumulates silica

10 Rhizomes Extensive, toughExtensive, tough White with scale leavesWhite with scale leaves Apical dominance, only the tip grows, lateral shoots are dormantApical dominance, only the tip grows, lateral shoots are dormant

11 Panicle Flowers in spring or in response to stress drought, fireFlowers in spring or in response to stress drought, fire Long, fluffy-white seedheadsLong, fluffy-white seedheads Seeds extremely small, plume of long hairs – wind dispersedSeeds extremely small, plume of long hairs – wind dispersed

12 Management PreventativeCulturalMechanicalBiologicalChemical

13 Preventative 1.Remove existing plants, including rhizomes before seeds are produced 2.Prevent movement of plant material, such as rhizome contaminated fill dirt, into areas not infested with cogongrass

14 Cultural 1.Programs to educate farmers, ranchers and the general public about the problems associated with cogongrass and proper identification

15 Biological 1.Limited success with natural pests 2.Isolated pathogens, but no effective control

16 Mechanical 1.Small infestations can be removed with repeated, aggressive tillage  Limited to open (non-forested) sites  Deep plow or disk, several times during season  Desiccates rhizomes & exhaust food reserves  Cut to a depth of at least 6 inches 2.Burning effective in removing above ground biomass, may enhance chemical control measures – but will not provide control!!

17 Chemical 1.Broadcast applications for large areas Glyphosate at 2 to 4 lbs-ai/A Glyphosate at 2 to 4 lbs-ai/A Imazapyr at 0.5 to 1.0 lbs-ai/A Imazapyr at 0.5 to 1.0 lbs-ai/A 2.Spot treatment for smaller areas Glyphosate – 2 to 3% solution Glyphosate – 2 to 3% solution Imazapyr – 0.5 to 1% solution Imazapyr – 0.5 to 1% solution 3.Use surfactant at 0.25% 4.Adhere to planting restrictions for imazapyr, may cause residual damage

18 Integrated 1.For best results combine:  Burning  Tillage (mechanical disturbance)  Chemical applications 2.Burn or mow before herbicide application  Remove excess thatch and older leaves  Initiates regrowth from rhizomes, reduces rhizome biomass


20 Useful Links Floridata Homepage: =Welcome&viewsrc=welcome.htm =Welcome&viewsrc=welcome.htm University of Florida Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants: University of Florida’s Cooperative Extension Electronic Data Information Source:

21 Useful Links Pacific Island Ecosystems at Risk (PIER). Plant Threats to Pacific Ecosystems:

22 Literature Cited Langeland, K.A. and K. Craddock Burks. 1998. Identification and Biology of Non- Native Plants in Florida's Natural Areas. IFAS Publication SP 257. University of Florida, Gainesville. 165 pp

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