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MTT Competency 7 Bullets 1-9 James Higgs. MTT Competency 7 The Master Technology Teacher demonstrates knowledge of instructional design, development,

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Presentation on theme: "MTT Competency 7 Bullets 1-9 James Higgs. MTT Competency 7 The Master Technology Teacher demonstrates knowledge of instructional design, development,"— Presentation transcript:

1 MTT Competency 7 Bullets 1-9 James Higgs

2 MTT Competency 7 The Master Technology Teacher demonstrates knowledge of instructional design, development, and assessment in a technology-enhanced environment

3 Effective Instructional Design Knows components of effective instructional design (e.g., eliciting and using prior knowledge, synthesizing prior and new knowledge, integrating knowledge and skills, applying accessibility concepts, providing scaffolded instruction, planning reviews) in a technology-enhanced environment.

4 Effective Instruction Design: Assessments Knows characteristics and uses of types of technology- related assessments (e.g., performance-based, in-depth, continuous progress monitoring, summative evaluation) and how to facilitate the evaluation of students’ knowledge and skills using technology-related assessment methods.

5 Effective Instruction Design: Assessments Knows how to use formal and informal assessments to evaluate students’ technology proficiencies.

6 Effective Instruction Design: Assessments Knows fundamental characteristics of quantitative and qualitative assessments and understands how to use these assessments appropriately to plan and develop instruction.

7 Effective Instruction Design: Assessments Demonstrates knowledge of fundamental assessment- related issues, such as those related to bias, reliability, and validity.

8 Effective Instruction Design: Assessments Demonstrates knowledge of the benefits and limitations of technology as applied to the assessment process.

9 Effective Instruction Design: Assessments Demonstrates knowledge of the reciprocal nature of assessment, planning, and instruction.

10 Effective Instruction Design: Assessments Knows how to facilitate ongoing student self-assessment in the use of technology, including both process and product.

11 Effective Instruction Design: Assessments Demonstrates knowledge of appropriate research-based strategies and instructional methods for addressing the various technology knowledge and skill levels of students.

12 Assessing Formally and Informally

13 Activities and Types of Assessment: 1.Historical Research : archive search of newspapers, yearbooks and public records and online research through search engines etc. Assessment rubric to verify number, validity and citing of sources

14 Activities and Types of Assessment: 2. Oral History Recording: recording of different school and community members from diverse from age groups, ethnicities and social- economic status Assessment rubric to verify number, validity and citing of sources Quality of Recording

15 Activities and Types of Assessment: 3. The creative process. Inspirational projects based upon research of history people life experiences historical time period research cultural background.

16 Activities and Types of Assessment: The Creative Process Public Performance Peer Review Self Evaluation Blogging with chance to respond Wiki that lets others add to work

17 How Do We Assess This?

18 Sharing Activities as Type of Assessment: 1. Public Performance 2. Public Presentation of PowerPoint 3. Publish on You Tube 4. Publish on School Website 5. Write a article about the research and submit to local newspapers 6. Create a Wiki with the research and allow others to add to it

19 Sharing Activities: Sharing Activities as Type of Assessment: 7. Create a blog with stories about developing the ballad, the problems encountered, solutions found, what the students individually learned, how they feel about the project.

20 How Do We Give A Grade To This?

21 Assessments Matrix For Sharing Activities: 1.Public Performance - rubric on quality and enjoyability, academic standards, appropriate technology 2. Written Composition - assessed for validity, originality, acadamic standards, appropriate technology

22 Assessments: 3. Digitized recordings - rubric on use of music editing, appropiate text and voice editing, available in at least 3 ways ex: cd's, you tube, pod cast, some type of downloads 4. PowerPoint Presentation of research about project- Content reliability, clarity of presentation, enjoyably of presentation, depth of work

23 Assessments: 5. Photo Story Presentation - Rubric on the use of software, use of background music, choice of pictures, did it tell the story 6. All rubrics will have 4 columns: with 4 being the best grade: 4- meets all objectives, 3-almost all objectives, 2- most objectives, 1-some objectives

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