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RDA Implementation. Implementation factors Publication of RDA International evaluation Changes in MARC Implementation in library systems.

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1 RDA Implementation

2 Implementation factors Publication of RDA International evaluation Changes in MARC Implementation in library systems

3 Publication of RDA JSC meeting March 12 – 20 2009 –Preparation for release –Review responses to final draft Release scheduled for third quarter 2009 Pricing options not yet finalised –Online product –Subscriptions based on usage, library type, etc.

4 Evaluation of RDA Library of Congress, National Library of Medicine and National Agricultural Library CoP (Committee of Principals) national libraries – National Library of Australia, British Library, Library and Archives Canada (+ LC)

5 Focus for RDA evaluation Usability of RDA data and product e.g. Ease of use for cataloguers, users, library systems Technical considerations e.g. RDA online product, resource sharing, co-existence of AACR and RDA records, Financial considerations e.g Training, changing workflows, record creation costs, record conversion, system changes, managing cataloguing documentation

6 MARC changes New fields –Content type, carrier type, media type accepted –RDA record type rejected New subfields –Relationship designators On hold until final text for appendices confirmed –Authority data Approved with amendments

7 RDA and Library systems Changes in MARC –New fields and subfields Changes to indexes –To search and display new or change MARC elements Co-existence of AACR2 and RDA records cuments/RDAFAQsaboutsystemchanges.pdf cuments/RDAFAQsaboutsystemchanges.pdf

8 Sources of information on RDA RDA website Australian Committee on Cataloguing RDA pages

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