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Presented by: (C.L. Jain) Director SAMETI & NFSM, Raipur (C.G.) Date: 16-01-2012 At : New Delhi.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by: (C.L. Jain) Director SAMETI & NFSM, Raipur (C.G.) Date: 16-01-2012 At : New Delhi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by: (C.L. Jain) Director SAMETI & NFSM, Raipur (C.G.) Date: 16-01-2012 At : New Delhi


3 S.No.CropsArea (“000” ha) (“000” ha)Production (“000” ton) Productivity(kg/ha)Cereals 1 Paddy (Karif) 3615.216362.771760 2 Summer Paddy (Rabi) 120.00NANA Total3735.216363.771760 Pulses 1 Pigeon Pea 142.4792.61650 2Moong24.159.06375 3Urd180.6379.48440 4Others45.8418.34400 Total393.09199.47507 1. Area, Production and Productivity 2011-12

4 S.No.CropsAreaCovered 2010-11 2010-11Area to be covered 2011-12Areacovered2011-12Remark 1 Chick Pea 324.08350.97340.37 Final coverage report yet to be received 2Pea47.8350.5443.40 3Lentil27.3030.9226.26 4Moong24.0025.3920.56 5Urd15.5520.1613.56 6Lathyrus380.24403.02389.50 7Others33.2829.5828.15 Total852.28920.57861.80 (“000” ha) Unit (“000” ha) Pulse Area Coverage Rabi 2011-12 (up to Dec. end)

5 2. Year-wise Area under Rice- 2006-07 to 2010-11 20062007200820092010

6 2. Year-wise Production under Rice- 2006-07 to 2010-11 20062007200820092010

7 Productivity ( kg/ha.)  Base year : 2006-07 06-07 08-09 10-11 RicePulses 06-0708-0910-11 Year 13% 6.5% 15%

8 CropApprovedPlan Fund Release (during 2011-12) (during 2011-12) Expenditure * % of expenditureRice34.4829.9921.8172.72 Pulses14.8813.654.4032.23** Additional Area of Pulses 8.808.801.3515.34 A3P4.572.802.2982.00 Total62.7355.2429.8554 * Expenditure will improve by March, 2012. ** Fund Rs. 10.92 crore received during November, 2011. 3. Financial Statement 2011-12 (As on 31-12-2012) Unit : in crore.

9 4. Physical and Financial Progress 2011-12 under NFSM-Rice As on 31 st December, 2011 4. Physical and Financial Progress 2011-12 under NFSM-Rice As on 31 st December, 2011 S. No. InterventionApproved rate of assistance Uni t Target approved by GOI (Rs. in lakh) Target achieved by state (Rs. in lakh) Phy.Fin. Phy.Fin.* 1Demonstrations on Improved Package Rs. 2500/-per demo. Nos. 4500112.50440082.05 2Demonstrations on System of RiceRs. 3000/-per demo. Nos. 150045.00152031.63 3Demonstrations on Hybrid Rice Tech. Rs. 3000/-per demo. Nos. 80024.0085017.97 Support for Promotion of Hybrid Rice Seed 4(a) Assistance for Production of Hybrid Rice Rs. 1000/-per qtl. Qtl.00.000 (b) Assistance for Distribution of Hybrid Rice Rs. 2000/-per qtl. Qtl.165033.00367.73.440 5Assistance for Distribution of HYVs Seeds. Rs. 500/-per qtl. Qtl.2246001023.00257164.271149.820

10 Cont…. S. No. InterventionApproved rate of assistance UnitTarget approved by GOI (Rs. in lakh) Target achieved by state (Rs. in lakh) Phy.Fin. Phy.Fin.* 6 Seed minikits of HYVs Nos. 325000.00100000.00 7 Seed minikits of Hybrid Rice Nos. 100800.0013440.00 8 Incentive for Micro-nutrients.Rs. 500/-per ha. Ha 615030.751216.89.43 9 Incentive for Liming in Acidic Soils Rs. 500/-per ha. Ha 330016.508001.50 10 Incentives for conoweeder and other farm implements Rs. 3000/- per farmer Nos. 25000705.0046582329.46 11 Incentive on Seed Drills.Rs. 15000/- per Nos. 20530.7533450.10 12 Incentive on RotavatorsRs. 30000/- per Nos. 26579.5026777.10 13Incentives for Pump SetsRs. 10000/- per Nos.50050.0028021.31

11 S. No. InterventionApproved rate of assistance Uni t Target approved by GOI (Rs. in lakh) Target achieved by state (Rs. in lakh) Phy.Fin. Phy.Fin.* 14 Incentive on Power Weeders.Rs. 15000/- per Nos. 7010.50649.60 15 Incentive on Knapsack SprayersRs. 3000/-perNos. 14100423.0019400158.890 16 Assistance for Plant Protection Chemicals Rs. 500/-per ha Ha. 69600348.002863689.85 17 Farmers Trainings.Rs. 17000/- per FFS Nos. 37563.7536437.17 18 Miscellaneous Expenses: (a) PMT at District LevelRs. 6.36 lakh 1063.601014.76 (b) PMT at State LevelRs. 13.87 lakh 123.8710.658 Cont….

12 S. No. InterventionApproved rate of assistance Uni t Target approved by GOI (Rs. in lakh) Target achieved by state (Rs. in lakh) Phy.Fin. Phy.Fin.* 19Local Initiatives 1400210.00110071.84 20Pature land development 9 (1 unit 20ha) 135.00324.96 21Award for best performing districts 5 lakh per year 15.0000.00 TOTAL FINANCIAL 3447.72 2181.54 * It includes last years committed expenditure Cont….

13 4. Physical and Financial Progress 2011-12 under NFSM-Pulses As on 31 st December, 2011 4. Physical and Financial Progress 2011-12 under NFSM-Pulses As on 31 st December, 2011 S. No. Intervention Approved rate of assistance Unit Target approved by GOI (Rs. in lakh) Target achieved by state (Rs. in lakh) Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. 1 Seeds (a) Production of Breeder Seeds of Pulses. -Qtl.00.000 (b) Purchase of Breeder Seeds of Pulses Full cost as per 5234/-per Qtl.) Qtl.31816.64130.558.95 ( c) Production of Foundation Seeds.Rs. 1000/-per qtl.Qtl.350535.05360.262.63 ( d) Production of Certified Seeds.Rs. 1000/-per qtl.Qtl.10980109.80 1459.7 8 9.90 (e) Distribution of Certified Seeds.Rs. 1200/-per qtl.Qtl.30000360.00 24568. 33 120.14

14 S. No. Intervention Approved rate of assistance Unit Target approved by GOI (Rs. in lakh) Target achieved by state (Rs. in lakh) Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. 2 Integrated Nutrient Management: (a) Lime/GypsumRs. 750/-per HaHa700052.5029561.50 (b) Micro-nutrients.Rs. 500/-per HaHa700035.0048364.75 ( c ) Asssistance for Rhizobium culture Rs. 100/ha 2600026.0022387.813.18 3Integrated Pest Management (IPM).Rs. 750/-per HaHa18000135.00380015.90 4 Asssitance for distribution of PP chemicals & weedicides Rs. 500/ ha 1800090.0021231.31 5Distribution of Sprinkler Sets.Rs. 7500/-per HaHa1916143.70175398.78 6Distribution of Seed DrillsRs. 15000/-Nos.45067.5014914.10 7Distribution of Rotavators.Rs. 30000/-Nos.12336.9011635.40 8Incentive for Pump sets.Rs. 10000/-Nos.35035.001109.09 Assistance for all types of PVC & HDPE 35052.5040.60 Cont….

15 S. No. Intervention Approved rate of assistance Unit Target approved by GOI (Rs. in lakh) Target achieved by state (Rs. in lakh) Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. 9Incentives for knapsack sprayersRs. 3000/-Nos.200060.00276115.27 10 Training on Pattern of FFS. Rs. 17,000/- per FFS Nos.8013.60278.60 11 Miscellaneous Expenses relating to PMT (a) District Level:4.47 per districtsNos.1845.761810.66 (b) State Level: -Nos.16.2812.76 15State level training for trainers 1 lakh per training Nos.11.0000.00 16 Local Initiatives (a) Whole village demo. 850127.5080057.87 (b) Pasture land development 230.0010.00 17Award for best performing districts5 lakh per year 15.0000.00 TOTAL FINANCIAL 1488.4 8 440.30 Cont…. * It includes last years committed expenditure ** kindly release the next installment under NFSM Pulses

16 5. Physical Progress Under (A3P) S. No. Name of District Crop No. of Unit allotted No. of units achieved Kharif- 2011 New Districts: 1BilaspurArhar10.998 2 KabirdhamArhar 11 Total 21.998 Old Districts: 1 DurgArhar 10.56 Crop. Total 32.558 New Districts 1 RaipurUrd 11 2 SurgujaUrd 11 Total 22 Old Districts: 1 RaigarhUrd 22.09 Crop Total 44.09

17 Cont…. S. No. Name of District Crop No. of Unit allotted No. of units achieved Rabi 2011-12 New Districts: 1 RaipurGram 22 2 BilaspurGram 33.2 Total 55.2 Old Districts: 1 DurgGram 1.20.978 2 KabirdhamGram 0.4 3 RajnandgaonGram 11 Total 2.62.3 Crop Total 7.67.5 New Districts: Raigarh*Summer Urd 0.5 Bilaspur*Moong 0.5 Total 11 G. Crop Total (Kharif + Rabi) 15.615.148 * Area and cultivators are identified, linked with the seed production programme.

18 S. N o. Name of Districts Assistance for Rhizobium culture/Phosphate Solubilizing bacteria distribution @ 50% or Rs. 100/ha which ever is less. Integrated Pest Management Rs. 750/- per ha or 50% of the cost whichever is less Incentive for Knap Sack Sprayers Rs. 3000/- per machine or.50% of the cost whichever is less Distribution of Sprinkler Sets Rs. 7500/- per ha or 50% of the cost whichever is less Unit -ha Unit –No.Unit -ha Tar.Ach.Tar.Ach.Tar.Ach.Tar.Ach. 12345678910 1Raipur5000 25001801101000245 2Durg5000120895000 1802251500537 3Rajnandgaon5000 0180 1000650 4Kabirdham450078234500016501500400.79 5Bilaspur5000 1803001000765 Total2500035412250001300091091560002598 7. Physical Progress Under Additional Programme of Pulses, Planning for Utilizing Savings Under Additional Units 7. Physical Progress Under Additional Programme of Pulses, Planning for Utilizing Savings Under Additional Units

19 8. States Experience in Implementation of A3P 1. Unit area is high, it may be reduced to 200-250 ha. 2. Assistance on certified seed may also be included for total targeted area of A3P. 3. Though, the productivity of pigeon pea of A3P area was less than the last years productivity however, farmers had successfully harvested higher yields than traditional farming. (last year pigeon pea crop was affected due to high rainfall at flowering and podding stage resulted in heavy loss in productivity. Farmer got compensation under NAIS of Rs. 20.25 lakh. 4. A3P programme was linked with certified seed production programme- 3000 qtl. of pigeon pea was procured from A3P cultivators during 2010-11.

20 S. No. Name of District Hybrid (6 kg each)HYV ( 5 kg each) Indira SonaKarma Masuri (MS)Shahbhagi Dhan - MS Minikit Allocated Minikit Distributed Minikit Allocated Minikit Distributed Minikit Allocated Minikit Distributed 1Raipur 2772242000 4500- 2Rajnandgaon 1801441000 2000- 3Kabirdham 3028500 1000- 4Janjgir 1801441000 2500- 5Korba 180144400 800- 6Raigarh 80641000 2400- 7Jashpur 2401921000 1500- 8Sarguja 2401921500 2500- 9Koriya 2401921000 2000- 10Dantewada 20 600 800- Total1667134410000 20000- 9. Review of Status of Rice Minikits

21 11. Appointment of Project Management Team (PMT) in Districts 11. Appointment of Project Management Team (PMT) in Districts No. of Consultants/STA/ TA sanctioned No. of consultants/ STA/TA engaged State level District level State level District level 3/418/56-/1-/6 Proposal submitted to the state govt. for advertisement

22 12. Brief Over View of NFSM and A3P 1-Accelerated growth in certified seed distribution of rice – 137% higher than last year. 2-Awareness created among the farmers in respect of new technology Area under SRI- 174% higher than last year. Area under line sowing paddy 75% higher than last year. (Farmers are replacing biyasi by line sowing) Area expansion under hybrid rice 105% over last year. 3-Mechanization :- Seed drill distribution during current year- 483. Rotavator distribution- 383, 4-Farmers are adopting need based plant protection measures.

23 5-Increased SRR. 6-Whole Village demonstration on cropping sequence (Rice-Pulse) has created awareness among the farmers. Area under gram increased by replacing lathyrus. 7-A3P motivated the farmers to adopt improved crop production packages. 8-A3P programme linked with seed production. Cont…

24 13. Concurrent Evaluation Concurrent evaluation has not yet been done. In this regard we have repeatedly requested the Department of Economics and Statistics, Govt. of C.G. but have not heard anything from their end. Under the above mentioned circumstances the matter was discussed with the extension wing of IGKV, Raipur.

25 14. Specific Issues and Suggestions 1-Age limit of the popular varieties should be relaxed beyond ten years in production as well as distribution. 2-Discrepancy in unit cost of sprinkler should be considered and removed (MIS & NFSM).


27 S.No.Particulars 1.Name of the candidate................................ 2.Date of birth................................ 3.Designation & office in which working................................ 3.1.Date from which the post held................................. 3.2.Details of previous post held and previous experience, if any................................. 4.Educational qualification................................. 5.Whether travelled (went) abroad for training previously if yes, give details:................................ 6.How the fellowship to the officer will be beneficial to the extension services................................. 7.How the knowledge gained by the officer from fellowship will be utilized................................. 8.The nature of employment and practical experience already acquired by the candidate in the same subject................................. 9.Any agriculture development plan prepared by the candidate................................. 10.Status of passport................................. Candidate's Fact Sheet for Fellowship under NFSM

28 Criteria for Selection of District Officers for Fellowship under NFSM S. No. Particulars Number of marks allotted 1.Use of Human Resource:25 i Involvement of field functionary and KVK in finalization of crop-wise package of practices. 5 ii. Capacity enhancement of field functionary and farmers group through FFS. 5 iii Mass mobilization of farmers for adoption of technology through A3P demonstration & followed by follow up actions. 5 iv Use of mobilized and sensitized farmers groups in dissemination of new production technology. 5 vInitiatives taken for the formation of farmers organization, like FIG. 5

29 S. No. ParticularsNumber of marks allotted 2.Monitoring and Evaluation:20 iMonitoring of various intervention of different schemes at various stages of implementation. 4 iiAppropriate remedial steps taken to overcome the bottlenecks found in monitoring. 4 iiiMonitoring of inputs supply chain for timely availability.4 ivEvaluation of various interventions of different schemes.4 vUse of data generated from monitoring and evaluation for dissemination of technology. 4 3.Submission of reports and returns:15 iSubmission of MPR in time.2 iiOnline data entry.2 iiie-Pest surveillance.2 ivTimely submission of audited fund utilization certificate and annual physical and financial reports. 2 vPercentage of fund utilized.7

30 S. No. Particulars Number of marks allotted 4.Augmentation of technical knowledge:30 iEnhancement of productivity of rice/pulses.5 iiArea expansion in pulses5 iiiPromotion of farm mechanization5 ivImprovement in SRR of rice and pulses (seed distribution)5 vUse of micronutrient and soil amelioration5 viArea extension in SRI & hybrid rice.5 5.Co-ordination with various stakeholders.5 6. Capturing of data and preparation of success stories and other publication etc. 5 Total100

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