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Tracing The Messiah’s Bloodlines Great Truths Proven When Examining Matthew 1:1-17.

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2 Tracing The Messiah’s Bloodlines Great Truths Proven When Examining Matthew 1:1-17

3 Tracing The Messiah’s Bloodlines Great Truths Proven From Matthew 1:1-17 It Proves God’s Faithfulness The Jews were always a “waiting” people His lineage is preserved for 40 generations This is amazing when considering the odds of such a likelihood To illustrate, consider the genealogy of Abraham Lincoln…

4 Abraham Lincoln Robert Todd Edward Baker William Wallace Thomas Tad Died at age 3 Died at age 11Died at age 18 Mary (F) Abraham (Jack) Jessie (F) Died at age 16 Despite starting with great promise, the Lincoln name under Abraham completely vanished within only 3 generations.

5 Tracing The Messiah’s Bloodlines Great Truths Proven From Matthew 1:1-17 It Proves God’s Faithfulness His lineage is preserved for 40 generations Only through Isaac Gen 21:12 Only through Judah Gen 49:10 Only through David Jer 33:14-17 Often “hanging by a thread” 2 Chron 22:10-12 God keeps His word!! Rom 4:20-21 Heb 6:18a 10:23b

6 Tracing The Messiah’s Bloodlines Great Truths Proven From Matthew 1:1-17 It Proves The Gospel Is Indeed For All This “family tree” is not one that human wisdom would have chosen Grace & goodness do not always run in families The Messiah was not “produced” by the line of David…He was “given” to it The Holy Spirit made no attempts to “clean up” this family’s “black sheep” Ù were it a human document, such efforts would have been done

7 Tracing The Messiah’s Bloodlines Great Truths Proven From Matthew 1:1-17 It Proves The Gospel Is Indeed For All There are Gentile ancestors v. 5 Rahab of Jericho, Ruth of Moab There are immoral ancestors vv. 3, 6, 10 Tamar played the harlot with her father-in-law Bathsheba was an adulteress Manasseh sacrificed his own children to idols

8 Tracing The Messiah’s Bloodlines Great Truths Proven From Matthew 1:1-17 It Proves The Gospel Is Indeed For All There are female ancestors vv. 3, 5-6 Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, and Bathsheba are listed Normal Jewish genealogies never mention females…women had no such “rights” The Messiah & His gospel have always been intended for all Eph 2:14-15 3:8-11 Acts 10:34-35 Gal 3:28 1 Pet 3:7

9 Tracing The Messiah’s Bloodlines Great Truths Proven From Matthew 1:1-17 It Proves Jesus Is The Messiah It boldly proclaims His virgin birth v. 16 “Begot” or “Born to” used 39 times Regarding Jesus, the text states “…and to Jacob was born Joseph the husband of Mary, by whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ.” Joseph was the legal father, not the biological “Whom” points back to Mary [feminine] This fulfilled ancient prophecy cp. Isa 7:14

10 Tracing The Messiah’s Bloodlines Great Truths Proven From Matthew 1:1-17 It Proves Jesus Is The Messiah It satisfies His claims to be the Messiah Such would demand credibility cp. Jn 4:25-26 The most fundamental prophecies establishing the Messiah’s identity concerned His ancestry Of the seed of Abraham Gen 22:18 Of the seed of Judah Gen 49:10 Of the royal seed of David 2 Sam 7:12-16 Acts 2:29-30

11 Tracing The Messiah’s Bloodlines Great Truths Proven From Matthew 1:1-17 It Proves Jesus Is The Messiah It satisfies His claims to be the Messiah That Jesus fills all these requirements is irrefutably beyond doubt The Jews kept meticulous ancestral records in anticipation of the Messiah cp. Mt 3:9 Jn 8:37-39 Like all genealogies, it was public record Mt 13:55 The genealogy of Jesus was never questioned nor challenged cp. Mt 12:23-24

12 Tracing The Messiah’s Bloodlines Great Truths Proven From Matthew 1:1-17 It Proves Jesus Is The Messiah It satisfies His claims to be the Messiah Jesus never used His genealogical records to support His Messianic claims i.e., He never said, “Examine My family tree!” Yet, He is the only living Jew who can lay claim to this genealogy All Jewish records were destroyed at Jerusalem destruction in A.D. 70 by the Romans

13 Tracing The Messiah’s Bloodlines Great Truths Proven From Matthew 1:1-17 It Proves Jesus Is The Messiah It satisfies His claims to be the Messiah Jesus never used His genealogical records to support His Messianic claims Since then, no Jew can prove a Messianic ancestry The only preserved genealogical records are those by Matthew & Luke in the Scripture Mt 1 Lk 3 Each one proves Jesus is the Christ There can be no future Messiah yet to come!!

14 Tracing The Messiah’s Bloodlines Great Truths Proven From Matthew 1:1-17 Conclusion The Bible contains many powerful & moving passages about Jesus The accounts of His crucifixion The miracles He performed The discourses He delivered Yet, this Divinely-preserved genealogy is as powerful as any other text about Jesus

15 Tracing The Messiah’s Bloodlines Great Truths Proven From Matthew 1:1-17 Conclusion Yet, this Divinely-preserved genealogy is as powerful as any other text about Jesus It declares God is faithful in keeping His word It illustrates the Messiah will welcome all into His kingdom It proclaims Jesus as the Messiah, the Christ How can we overlook a text this important !?!


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