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12/12/20071 Digital Resource Acquisition John Mootz, APFO Charlotte Vanderbilt, APFO.

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Presentation on theme: "12/12/20071 Digital Resource Acquisition John Mootz, APFO Charlotte Vanderbilt, APFO."— Presentation transcript:

1 12/12/20071 Digital Resource Acquisition John Mootz, APFO Charlotte Vanderbilt, APFO

2 12/12/2007USDA Planning Briefing2 Why move to digital?  Multi-Spectral Panchromatic Natural color Near Color IR

3 12/12/2007USDA Planning Briefing3 Why move to digital? (Con’t)  Increase in dynamic range (12-bit) More shadow detail 8-bit only contains 6.25% of 12-bit values  Some benefit with 8-bit deliverable 12-bit: 4,096 values 8-bit: 256 values

4 12/12/2007USDA Planning Briefing4 Why move to digital? (Con’t)  Sharper images First generation (no scanning) No dust, lint, or scratches  Better geometric resolution  Simple AT process Limited control requirement Requires IMU/Airborne GPS systems

5 12/12/2007USDA Planning Briefing5 Why stay with film?  Storage needs for digital products  No film to “fall back to”  No cheap contact prints Inkjet vs “photographic” prints  Slight increase in cost for stereo Difference should be eliminated soon Min difference when creating ortho NO SIGNIFICANT SCHEDULE BENEFIT

6 12/12/2007USDA Planning Briefing6 Elimination of Small Businesses  Digital cameras are very expensive ADS40: ~$1.2M DMC: ~$800k DSS: $300-350k  Having a single camera adds risk  Camera cost is only a small element Software, storage, IT equipment, etc

7 12/12/2007USDA Planning Briefing7 Types of Digital Cameras  Small format cameras do not meet resolution or geometric accuracy requirements  Medium format cameras Small collection area (footprint) Most cannot capture multi-spectral  Large format “mapping” cameras Push-broom sensor Frame based sensor Applanix DSS 422 Nikon D40 Intergraph DMC

8 12/12/2007USDA Planning Briefing8 Small format Camera Bayer pattern

9 12/12/2007USDA Planning Briefing9 Push-broom sensor  Minimizes “building lean” in flight direction  Heavily dependent on GPS/IMU

10 12/12/2007USDA Planning Briefing10 Push-broom sensor (Con’t) X Y Z    Exterior orientation

11 12/12/2007USDA Planning Briefing11 Push-broom sensor (Con’t) Level 1 (Rectified)Level 0 (Raw data)

12 12/12/2007USDA Planning Briefing12 Frame-based sensor  Same workflow as film-based  Typically uses multiple heads and is pan sharpen Multiple high resolution CCD heads (4 pan and 4 color)

13 12/12/2007USDA Planning Briefing13 Multiple Head Cameras 4 pan sensors are mosaick using tie points Combined with “color” sensors

14 12/12/2007USDA Planning Briefing14 1) Mosaick the 4 pan 2) Registration the 4 MS 3) Upsample color 4) Co-register pan to G channel 5) RGB -> HSV 6) Replace V channel with pan 7) HSV -> RGB Pan-sharpening 3)

15 12/12/2007USDA Planning Briefing15 Radiometric Sensitivity Ideal bands for remote sensing applications should be narrow and non-overlapping, whereas the requirement for high quality true- colour images dictates broad, overlapping bands.

16 12/12/2007USDA Planning Briefing16 What is the requirements?  Ground Resolution  End product  Data format  Metadata and other products  Storage  Inspection

17 12/12/2007USDA Planning Briefing17 Ground Resolution  Digital imagery uses GSD  To compare to traditional film scale, we need to consider scanning resolution: Scale 25 micron 1:7,9208 in(20cm) 1:12,0001 ft(30cm) 1:15,8401.3 ft(40cm) 1:24,0002 ft(60cm)

18 12/12/2007USDA Planning Briefing18 Western ID 3 foot 1 foot

19 12/12/2007USDA Planning Briefing19 End Product  Footprint? Original camera footprint USGS quarter-quad  Level of Georeferencing? None Single point “Rubber sheeted” Full ortho

20 12/12/2007USDA Planning Briefing20 End Product (Con’t)  Mosaick?  Radiometric Balanced?  Coverage? Stereo pairs 3D viewing requires AT solution

21 12/12/2007USDA Planning Briefing21 Metadata and Other products  AT solution Viewing software dependant  Raw imagery for remote sensing Not “geoprocessed” or “radiometrically corrected”  GPS and IMU data Multiple formats

22 12/12/2007USDA Planning Briefing22 Storage  Who will be responsible for storage APFO has storage film  Public access via…?

23 12/12/2007USDA Planning Briefing23 Inspection  New inspection process will need to be established  No current specification for products Stereo pairs AT solutions GPS/IMU data

24 12/12/2007USDA Planning Briefing24 Resource Ortho Issues  Accurate ortho comes from an accurate digital elevation model  Pixel resolution for imagery is only as good as the quality and accuracy of the terrain model and local control points (geodetic network)  Bottom line: NED may not be accurate enough Ground control is going to add cost

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