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The Moon Chapter 22.2.

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Presentation on theme: "The Moon Chapter 22.2."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Moon Chapter 22.2

2 First, let’s review Kepler’s 1st Law

3 Creation of the Moon “Luna”
The Moon is a chunk of Earth that broke off during a collision 4.6 billion years ago.

4 Moon Facts The moon is ¼ the size of the Earth.
There is no oxygen and 1/6 the amount of gravity.

5 Critical Thinking Calculate how much you would weigh on our Moon…how do you do this? Does this affect your Mass???

6 Why do we only see one side of the Moon?
The moon has a: 27.3 Day rotation 27.3 Day revolution Because of this we can only see the side of the Moon facing us…only satellites and telescopes have gone to the “Dark side of the Moon”

7 The Sun’s rays create the phases!
Half the moon is always dark The moon revolves around the Earth.

8 The Moon’s Revolution around the Earth
The Moon’s Revolution around the Earth. Apogee = Furthest Perigee = Closest


10 Phases of the Moon Video Clip

11 Phases of the Moon The moon goes through its phases every 29.5 days

12 New Moon When the moon is in between the sun and the Earth, we cannot see the moon.

13 Full Moon When the Earth is in between the moon and the sun
The surface of the moon that we can see is lit up.

14 Quarter Moon When the Moon, Earth and Sun make a right angle.
We can only see half of the lit area of the moon.

15 Gibbous Moon When the moon is in between the full and quarter moon phases. Most of the moon is lit up.

16 New to Full = waxing moon.

17 Full to New = waning moon.

18 Let’s Take a break from Notes and Pretend we are lost on the Moon!!!!

19 Eclipses Chapter 22.1

20 An Eclipse is caused by the shadow of the Earth or the Moon..

21 Let’s Ask an Astronomer about Solar Eclipses!

22 Shadow Structure Penumbra Umbra

23 Solar Eclipses The Moon’s Shadow blocks out the Sun.
The Moon is in between the Sun and the Earth. New Moon Phase (Happens during the day)


25 A Total Solar Eclipse from beginning to end



28 Why not a solar eclipse every month then?
Moon Earth 5o Ecliptic Moon’s Orbit Sun Moon's orbit is tilted about 5o to the Earth's orbit, so the shadows usually miss!

29 Next total solar eclipse in our area…August 21, 2017

30 Annular Solar Eclipse The moon’s shadow doesn’t quite reach the Earth leaving a ring around the moon during an eclipse.


32 Partial Solar Eclipse You might only see part of the Sun’s face blocked because of where you are viewing the eclipse.

33 Lunar Eclipse (Happens at Night)
Moon’s Path Earth Sun Occurs when the Earth lies between the Sun and Moon, so that Earth's shadow darkens the Moon. Full Moon Phase Moon


35 The moon becomes a blood red color during a total lunar eclipse because of how the light reflects in the atmosphere. No wonder that ancient cultures feared the appearance of the moon during a lunar eclipse.

36 The Blood Moon Moon Earth Sunlight Earth’s Atmosphere
The moon often does not totally disappear during a total lunar eclipse. Instead it can be seen as a very dark red color because of the refraction of sunlight through the Earth's atmosphere.


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