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 Nicodemus #206 8 th Grade Social Studies Ohio County Middle School 2015 - 2016.

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2  Nicodemus #206 8 th Grade Social Studies Ohio County Middle School 2015 - 2016

3 OHIO COUNTY SCHOOLS Mission: "Ohio County Schools provides students with the skills, knowledge, and support to achieve excellence and become lifelong learners” Ohio County Middle School Our Mission Is to provide meaningful, challenging activities that inspire life-long learning to meet the unique needs of our individual students.

4 Important Names and Numbers  Ohio County Middle School (270) 274-7893  Cheston Hoover, Principal ext. 103  Chip Schrader, Asst. Principal. ext. 102  Robert Nicodemus, Teacher ext. 206  Tom Woods, Director of Transportation (270) 298-3249 ext. 23

5 Contact Information for Mr. Nic. REMIND: text @mrnicss to 81010 Email: Phone: (270) 274-7893 ext 206 Planning Time: M-F: 7 th Period (approx. 12:45-1:20) After school meetings by appointment

6 Website I post A LOT of resources on my website. You can access it through the Ohio County Schools PageOhio County Schools Page Middle School->Quick Links-> Or simply click

7 It’s more important to be thought of as a good person than it is to be thought of as a good student. “ Being considerate of others will take your children further in life than any college degree.” - Marian Wright Edelman.

8 Course Focus Exploration and Analysis of American History through Reconstruction (1877)  Geography- Human/Environment Interaction  Economics  Government and Civics  Historical Perspective  Culture and Society

9 Textbooks We use two textbooks, American History The Early Years to 1877 and History Alive! The United States Through Industrialism I keep a class set for student use in school, and I will allow students to check a books out as necessary. More on that later.

10 Nicodemus 8 th Grade Social Studies Syllabus Projects and Exams = 45% Quizzes = 25% Daily Work = 30% *I reserve the right to issue extra credit assignments only after all daily work, quizzes, projects and exams have been satisfactorily completed.

11 Homework I generally operate under the following agreement: If students give me every effort, paying attention and working hard for the entire class period, then I don’t assign homework. That said, students are responsible for completing assignments in a timely fashion. On occasion, they may be asked to gather project resources outside of school, and students are always expected to study for exams. NOTE: STUDENTS are responsible for seeking out and making up all assignments upon returning from any absence (excused or unexcused). Every effort should be made to demonstrate exemplary attendance.

12 The Rules  Students are expected to adhere to both Board of Education and OCMS policies as articulated in the Student Code of Conduct and Student Handbook, respectively.  Expectations for behavior in common areas will be taught at the beginning of the year and reviewed throughout.

13 The Guidelines  Be Prepared On-Time; All Materials; All Work  Be On-Task Check the Board; Check with Mr. Nic.  Be Polite “Please,” “Thank You, “Excuse Me;” Ask First; Keep Your Body, Negative Comments, and Ridicule to Yourself

14 Conduct Grades Each Student Will Start Each 9 Week Period With 100 Points Points will be deducted consistent with the classroom guidelines according to the following schedule. -2 points per infraction: out of seat, talking, off-task, uncooperative, unprepared, unscheduled bathroom visit, tardy, horseplay, etc. -5 points per infraction: disrespect of people or property; not reporting to break detention; -10 points per infraction: Severe Behaviors (e.g., lying; back-talk; stealing; profanity; fighting; cheating; bullying, etc.)

15 Helpful Websites Ohio County Schools: Infinite Campus: W.W. Norton Study Space: Ohio County Public Library: Library of Congress: UH Digital History: USA 4 Kids:

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