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Chief Justice John Roberts. Ch 5-6: New Life in the Spirit A. 5:1-6:10Call to Christian Living 1. 5:1-5:15Call to Christian Liberty 2. 5:16-5:26Call to.

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Presentation on theme: "Chief Justice John Roberts. Ch 5-6: New Life in the Spirit A. 5:1-6:10Call to Christian Living 1. 5:1-5:15Call to Christian Liberty 2. 5:16-5:26Call to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chief Justice John Roberts

2 Ch 5-6: New Life in the Spirit A. 5:1-6:10Call to Christian Living 1. 5:1-5:15Call to Christian Liberty 2. 5:16-5:26Call to True Spirituality 3. 6:1-6:10Call to Christian Service B. 6:11-18Conclusion 1. 6:11-16Final Challenge 2. 6:17-18Benediction

3 Galatians 5:22-23 adapted from Claiming Faith finding Freedom: the study of Galatians by David Jeremiah

4 “love” avga,ph (AGAPĒ) a mental attitude of willingness to do what is best for another regardless the cost

5 “joy” cara, (CHARA) gladness that emanates from God according to His eternal plan and purposes

6 “peace” eivrh,nh (EIRĒNĒ) rest of soul that emanates from reconciliation with God and harmony with His plan

7 “longsuffering” makroqumi,a (MAKROTHUMIA) Vine’s “Longsuffering is that quality of self-restraint in the face of provocations which does not hastily retaliate or promptly punish; it is the opposite of anger and is associated with mercy,…”

8 “kindness” crhsto,thj (CHRĒSTOTĒS) kindly disposition of heart reflected in benevolence toward others

9 “goodness” avgaqwsu,nh (AGATHŌSUNĒ) goodness of heart reflected in doing what righteousness demands toward others

10 “faithfulness” pi,stij (PISTIS)

11 “faithfulness” loyalty to the object of one’s devotion to the extent that one may be trusted to follow through on one’s commitments and responsibilities in all circumstances, whatever the cost

12 “gentleness” (“meekness”) prau,thj (PRAUTĒS)

13 “gentleness” (“meekness”) prau,thj (PRAUTĒS) inner restraint through a settled assurance of ultimate justice and victory in the Lord

14 “self-control” egkra,teia (ENGKRATEIA)

15 “self-control” mastery of one’s passions and appetites, and particular stability in truth yielding resistance and restraint with respect to falsehood

16 Fruit of the Spirit Love Love Joy Joy Peace Peace Longsuffering Longsuffering Kindness Kindness Goodness Goodness Faithfulness Faithfulness Gentleness Gentleness Self-Control Self-Control

17 Galatians 5:23b NKJV“Against such there is no law.” KJV“…: against such there is no law.” NASB“…; against such things there is no law.” NIV“Against such things there is no law.” kata. tw/ntoiou,ton ouvk e;stin no,moj againstsuch thingsnoislaw

18 Galatians 5:23b NKJV“Against such there is no law.” KJV“…: against such there is no law.” NASB“…; against such things there is no law.” NIV“Against such things there is no law.” kata. tw/ntoiou,ton ouvk e;stin no,moj againstsuch thingsnoislaw according tosuch thingsnoislaw

19 Galatians 5:23b Ron Merryman Galatians: God’s Antidote to Legalism, pg. 102. “[T]he production of the Spirit cannot be legalized by external codes—production comes via life, not law. Those who belongto Christ are not to regulate their lives by rules or ordinances imposed from without.” “[T]he production of the Spirit cannot be legalized by external codes—production comes via life, not law. Those who belong to Christ are not to regulate their lives by rules or ordinances imposed from without.”

20 Galatians 5:22-23 Ron Merryman Galatians: God’s Antidote to Legalism, pg. 103.

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