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Robot-the man with open heart. Security robot Cartoon robot.

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Presentation on theme: "Robot-the man with open heart. Security robot Cartoon robot."— Presentation transcript:

1 Robot-the man with open heart

2 Security robot

3 Cartoon robot

4 Person with warning sign

5 Set of colourful cartoon toys

6 ROBOTS An automatic mechanic device often resembling a human or animal; Intelligent machines; They have got body; When you programme them they work automatically.

7 Key words Intelligent machine- machine which works automatically; Work automatically- work when you programme them; Industrial robots- robots which are related with industry

8 Key words Factory- buildings where large amounts of goods are made using machines (car factory) Put cars together- join, collect Produce-make.

9 QUESTIONS- I GROUP Where can you find robots today? Why do human use them? What do robots do in car factories? Why are they useful for this kind of work? Where are robots often used?

10 QUESTIONS II What kind of robots are there? What do they do? Why do they change people’s work?

11 QUESTIONS III What many people don’t know? Are there robots in most houses? Can you tell some examples of robots in the house?

12 QUESTIONS IV What do scientists do with robots? Which country produces the most robots? What is Roboddex?

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