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Analyzing the Effect of Interference in GNSS Scintillation Monitoring Rodrigo Romero Politecnico di Torino 11th European Space.

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Presentation on theme: "Analyzing the Effect of Interference in GNSS Scintillation Monitoring Rodrigo Romero Politecnico di Torino 11th European Space."— Presentation transcript:

1 Analyzing the Effect of Interference in GNSS Scintillation Monitoring Rodrigo Romero Politecnico di Torino 11th European Space Weather Week. Liege, BELGIUM. November 17-21 2014

2 Interference in GNSS receivers  The reception of GNSS signals can be affected by Radio Frequency Interference (RFI).  The presence of unintentional interference is recognized to be one of the growing threats to GNSS performance. Potential Interference sources in GPS and Galileo bands

3 V Interference Signal ADCBPF LNA Front-End ACQUISITIONTRACKING Receiver ProcessingOutputs E,L,P correlations. Integrated Doppler. C/N0 estimation. GNSS Satellites Ionosphere irregularities GNSS Antenna Interference Scenario

4 Interference Effects How much the ionospheric scintillation indices are affected, if at all, may depend on several characteristics like the type of interference signal, its power and/or bandwidth.

5 What if the interference is mitigated? What if the RFI is detected and triggers a mitigation technique? Mitigation techniques may also suppress useful signal while trying to eliminate the interference. New distortions in the scintillation indices may appear!!

6 Join us in the poster session Thanks!

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