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CSCI N100 Principles of Computing Basic Problem-Solving.

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Presentation on theme: "CSCI N100 Principles of Computing Basic Problem-Solving."— Presentation transcript:


2 CSCI N100 Principles of Computing Basic Problem-Solving

3 Course Goals Overcome fear of computers Wide range of applications Strong programming skills

4 What’s different about computers? You know lots of machines Computers seem different They seem to change Each program makes the computer act differently

5 Traditional teaching scheme One machine, one task New machine New class Machines don’t change that frequently

6 Learning about computing Computer does so many things Same thing happens many different ways Programs change all the time

7 How do you work a computer? The buttons and mouse are easy It’s actually the PROGRAMS you have to learn One machine has many tasks

8 The training trap New class for every task New class for each software New class for each version

9 Education in computing Learn basic concepts Get solid background Practice solving problems

10 Good computer users Little fear Background knowledge Problem-solving strategy

11 Definition of computer Universal Information Manipulator

12 Universal Works with all kinds of information Does all kinds of stuff to it Very few limitations

13 Information Seems to be able to work with anything Actually very limited Tiny pieces of data combined into complex information

14 Manipulator Seem able to do anything with data Actually very limited Simple commands combined into complex instructions

15 CSCI N100 Principles of Computing Basic Problem-Solving

16 Problem-Solving Use when you’re stuck Plan for complicated problems Backup when things go wrong

17 STAIR S - State the problem T- Tools A - Algorithm I - Implementation R - Refinement

18 State the Problem Use English No technical words! Make it clean and precise Be complete Usually the hardest step

19 Tools Identify some tools Could be programs commands things, ideas Be imaginative! List all potential tools

20 Algorithm Computer word for plan/strategy Re-state problem in terms of tools List of steps You should know how to do each step

21 Implementation Just do it! Translate algorithm into action Should be easiest step

22 Refinement It never goes right the first time Look back over previous steps Fix problems and try again

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